

时间:2023-08-18 17:45:46 文/张东东老师 申请书学文网www.xuewenya.com

  Dear xx,

  During the last three years I have thoroughly enjoyed studying BusinessStudies and Economics at school. My decision to study for a degree in managementor business studies or Economics has been strengthened by my success in thesesubjects at GCSE and A Level. The intensity of the AS and A Level courses haverequired me to be self motivated and committed to my subjects to ensure that Iachieve my full potential. Futhermore my committed nature has made me a veryhard working and conscientious student. The skills I have gained from studyingBusiness Studies include the ability to make decisions and apply appropriatestrategies to certain situations, including methods of raising finance,motivation strategies and promotional techniques all of which contribute to thequalities required to be an effective manager.

  Last year, I was a member of the School Stock Market team; we won theLiverpool Stock Market Challenge. Our score was the best nationally; we all wonGBP 50 worth of shares from Marks & Spencer for our achievements. This hasgiven me the confidence to be involved in decision-making and shown theimportance of working as a team.

  A further opportunity to work in a team was provided by my enrichmentproject, we decided to do a project on Unreal Tournament, an online shootinggame. I was the team leader for our project and I sorted out, the rules, entryfee and time of the games. We managed to raise over GBP 30 for the School'sTricentenary Fund from the entrance fee. I enjoyed being the team leader, andgained experience in utilising the strengths of each member of the teameffectively.

  As a school prefect, I have many responsibilities, both during and afterschool. My duties include maintaining order in the library and ensuring studentsare not allowed onto the corridors at break and at lunch. I also enjoy doingbible readings during assemblies. Being involved in the voluntary work programmehas provided an opportunity to work in an environment which I am not used to. OnSunday I enjoy teaching children Chinese at Wah Sing Chinese School. I learntChinese in Wah Sing for 8 years. I find it interesting but at the same time itgives me great satisfaction as I am contributing to the children's education,which is important for their future.

  Playing Bridge in School has earned me a several awards including coming1st in the Under 25's annual pairs match where represented Merseyside &Cheshire. I also came 1st in the EBU School Pairs Spring 20xx, a nationalcompetition. Playing Bridge has taught me the importance of decision-making andproblem solving as well, as the importance of trusting your partner.

  During my work experience, I worked as an assistant in HSBC; I learnt a lotabout how businesses are run, particularly interesting aspects includeinteraction between customer and worker, hierarchy of a business, and span ofcontrol in a business. I have a strong interest in computers and the Internet asa means of communication. By taking part in the Web design for non-designercourse organised by a University Student, I learnt about my target audience, thelayout of my website, and a good interface for a website. I enjoyed creating myown website. In addition I am also a member of the Wah Sing Website team; thishas given me the opportunity to produce articles and write to an audience. Thecomputer world is expanding rapidly and I believe that technology is animportant part of the future hence it is important to be well informed, andfamiliar with its use.

  As well as increasing my personal knowledge, I feel that by taking a degreein business studies or management or economics, I will learn transferable skillsthat will stand me in good stead for the future.

  Yours sincerely,


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