

时间:2023-08-17 18:27:53 文/李盛老师 教案学文网www.xuewenya.com


  8B UNIT 5 Reading(1)




  ▲ 国际奥比斯组织

  国际奥比斯组织 (Prect Orbis -- ORBIS) 是一个致力于为世界各国盲人和眼疾患者恢复光明的国际性慈善机构,它的宗旨是“使全球失明者重见光明”。







  1、药物治疗 2、买得起,负担得起

  3、给某人动手术 4、过去常常干

  5、现在习惯于干 6、因某事感激某人

  7、自豪地做某事 8、 继续干我们的工作

  9、Man f ur patients are s pr that the can’t affrd t travel t hspital.

  10、It’s hard xb1.c

  【教案】教学内容 8b Unit5 reading(1) 课型 新授课

  教学目标:1. Understand pen questins used in an intervie

  Blindness affects abut 45 illin peple arund the

  2. Infer general eaning fr title and cntext.

  3. Predict the eanings f specific wrds fr clse cntext

  4. Chec understanding b lining parts f sentences.

  5. Suarize infratin b cpleting ntes.

  教学重难点 :(1)Teaching Iprtance

  T aster the e vcabular

  T understand and use the target language

  T read the article fluentl and understand the ain idea.

  Listening and Oral practice

  (2)Teaching Difficulties

  T enable the students t infer general eaning fr the title and cntext and predict

  the eaning f special wrds fr cntext.

  T enable the students t use the target language.

  Peple ust be reall grateful t u.

  I’ prud t be able t help s an peple.

  教学方法 :1.Direct ethd,

  2gnitive apprach,

  3unicative teaching ethd

  4.Audi-visual teaching ethd

  5.”Tas-based”teaching ethd

  Step1 Revisin

  1.Tell se charities arund the wrld.

  2.What’s the charit f ORBIS fr ?

  Step 2 Presentatin

  Read the text fr line 1-7,answer the questins

  1.Hw an peple des blindness affect arund the wrld?

  2.Hw an sic peple can be cured r prevented?

  3.Wh d an peple nt receive edical treatent?

  Pa attentin t these useful expressins:

  1.affect (v.) 影响 effect (n.)


  Plaing cputer gaes _____ ______ ______ ur studies.

  Have a gd ad effect n…..


  st (adv.) ①“最大程度地,极度地” 是uch的最高级 . the st beautiful girl

  ② 非常,极 a st interesting b

  stl (adv.) 主要地,大部分地

  Read the text fr line 8-25,answer the questins

  1.Wh d ORBIS dctrs prefer t wr n a plane、

  2.Hw an peratins did Dr Ma perfr during his last visit、

  3.Is it hard wr fr hi?

  4.Is the plane nl a place t perfr peratins?


  1.peratin (n.)

  perate (v.) n sb.=perfr an peratin n sb.

  2.be used t d 被用来干某事

  Be used fr sth 被用来干某事

  Be used as 被当做什么用

  3.Used t d sth 过去常常干某事

  Be used t ding 现在习惯于干某事

  4.can’t affrd t d sth 没钱干某事

  5.s +ad /adv that sb can/can’t d 如此。。。以至于

  6.such +a/an+ad +n+that 从句 如此。。以至于

  7.be grateful t sb fr sth 因某事而感激某人

  8.be prud t d sth 为做某事而感到骄傲

  be prud that 从句 为干某事而感到自豪、骄傲

  be prud f 因。。。。而骄傲

  tae pride (n.骄傲)in 因。。。。而骄傲

  Read the text fr line 26-38,answer the questins

  1、Hw d peple feel abut their wr、

  2、What des ORBIS need t carr n with their wr?

  3、What can we d fr the?


  Carr n with sth 继续干某事

  Carr n ding 继续干某事=cntinue ding sth

  Carr n t d sth 继续干另一件事

  Step 3 practise


  I’ ________ that I can help _____ ________ peple.

  2. 他们教当地的医生新技术和知识.

  The teach the dctrs fr ________ places new _______ _____ _____________.

  3. 人们对他一定很感激.

  Peple ust ________ ver ________ _______ hi.

  4. 坏消息是许多人没有治疗的钱.

  The bad news is that an peple d nt have the ________ fr _________ ____________.

  5. 他以自已是一名科学家而自豪.

  He is prud f a scientist.

  He is prud t be a scientist.

  He is prud f being a scientist.

  He is prud that he is a scientist

  Step 4 activit

  学生四人一组活动。以马先生的身份讲述他的工作,每人一句,进行故事接龙。准备时间三分钟。三分钟后,教师挑选二到三组学生在全班面前讲故事。然后,教师问学生,what d u thin f DrMa ‘s b?since his b is s eaningful,canu ae a website r pster fr hi,calling fr re peple t help and supprt hi?

  Step 5 hewr


  2.完成补充习题reading部分练习及完成《同 步导学》上本课时的作业 ,





  ( )1.We’ll have a _______hlida. What abut ging t the Great Wall?

  A. three das B. three-da C. three-das D. three-das’

  ( )2. I a srr. I_______ the dictinar in  he.

  A. frget B. frgt C. left D. leave

  ( )3. She left in_______ a hurr _______she frgt t lc the dr.

  A. s, and B. such, that C. t, t D. such, and

  ( )4.—Must we finish the exercise tda? --N, u________.

  A. ustn’t B. dn’t have C. dn’t have t D. needn’t t

  ( )5. The ne u dnated is used t _______peple in need.

  A. help B. helped C. helping D. helps

  ( )6.—It’s a lng str, but u can hardl find new wrds in it.

  --Gd! _______ it will be t hard fr children.

  A. S B. And C. But D. Or

  ( )7. —A latest English newspaper, please!

  --Onl ne cp left. Wuld u lie t have_______, sir?

  A. it B. ne C. this D. that

  ( )8. D u have________ t sa abut ur stud?

  A special anthing B. special sething

  C. anthing special D. sething special


  1.Peple, n atter __________ r pr, have their wn place in the wrld.

  2.The dctr said that he had never seen such a ind f ____________ (病例).

  3.Oral English test ass us t learn re ______________ (技能) in English, nt ust wrds r graar.

  4.I have finished  wr______________ (ainl).

  5an u ______________ (have enugh ne t bu r t d sething)e t see a fil?

  6.Nw a lt f ______________ (peple wh are ill) can’t g t hspital because the dn’t have enugh ne.

  7.The teacher’s wrds ____________ (cause a change in sebd r sething) us a lt, we have ade up ur inds t stud hard.

  8.The dctrs ften ______________ (cut a persn’s bd pen t tae r repair) n the sic peple.

  9. Mdern edicine can help _____________ this ind f disease.

  10. We are s ______________ that China is the hst cuntr f the 29th Olpic Gaes.


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