

时间:2023-08-18 22:43:16 文/黄飞老师 美文学文网www.xuewenya.com


  This is a very ordinary morning, I as usual in bed, and then darted in school late for school today, when I fly out of the house, I almost fell on the ground, because I found out from under the snow, oh oh oh, I'm so happy this is the first snow this year, oh, I quickly took off his hat, enjoy this large snowflakes, snow white, the land of snow, snow pine was also pressed breathless, finally can not bear the weight of naughty snowflakes, suddenly bent back, the roof is also dotted with tiny spots of silver, Shashi good-looking!

  It was not easy for me to go to school, the class was over, I flew out, after a while, the teacher came out, we went outside to have a snowball fight, we are tired, we began to make a snowman, we built a jewel like the small red nose, crystal clear the body, shiny black eyes, hands with a big broom big snowman, finally, be accomplished! We also satisfied entered the classroom. At noon, the one thing I am not satisfied with the things happened, the snow stopped, the sun came out. Baby, I reluctantly it blinked, blame it bothered me that a silvery world! "

  The first snow came, and the winter came quietly.





  A winter's past, God's heart seemed like a good winter, even a tear did not fall. It is seen from television that there have been serious drought in many areas of our country, and there are even 200 years of drought in some places. "This winter cover three layer is Steamed Buns pillow sleep" dream, this year seems to have vanished.

  It was not bright that morning, and my mother suddenly woke me up: "all, get up, snow, and look at the snow." I heard you got out of bed and looked out of the window, wow! It's really snowing! The snow is still under, although it is not big, but I am very happy, this is the first snow this year. Neither fast nor slow snow from the sky falling down, gently falling on the ground, not a sound, as if afraid of the people awakened from sleep. There was a thin layer of snow on the ground, covering a layer of gauze with the house, the ground, and the car. All buildings, mountains and snow, is really a silver world!

  Days gradually bright, the snow has stopped, the clouds gradually dispersed, the sun is at a vigorous pace climbed into the sky, the sun shines on the snow is very bright, ah! It's so beautiful! Although the snow was not a snowman, snowball fights, can alleviate the drought, but in my heart left a deep memory, after all, it was the first snow of 2011! It was the only snow in the winter.

  一个冬天就快要过去了,老天爷的心情好像一直不错似的,一个冬天连一滴泪都没有掉下来。从电视上看到我国有好多个地区都出现了严重的旱情,个别的地方甚至出现200年一遇的旱灾。“今冬麦盖三层被,来年枕着馒头睡”的梦想,今年好像已 经破灭了。




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