
《Family and Relatives》教案

时间:2023-08-11 02:27:06 文/王明刚老师 教案学文网www.xuewenya.com

《Family and Relatives》教案

  一. 知识与技能:

  掌握单词:daughter, dead, else, granddaughter, grandson, nephew, niece, photo, relative, able, botanical, call, environment, friendly, hardworking…

  理解词组:find out…, family tree, get it right

  应用句型:Be+形容词,friends of the earth…, promise (sb.) to do sth.

  二. 过程与方法:




  Period One——Family tree

  Language focus:

  Using demonstratives to refer to people or objects


  1. Student’s Book 6B page 27

  2. Workbook 6B page 17

  3. Photocopiable page 37

  Pre-task preparation:

  1 Introduction of relatives and revision of family vocabulary items

  2 Two new vocabulary items on Page 27

  ü nephew

  ü niece

  While-task procedure:

  Look and learn on page 27 of SB

  1. Look at Alice’s family tree on page 27 and try to say something about it.

  2 Look at some pictures.

  a) Look at two pictures. Listen and do True or False statements.

  Suggested statements for teachers:

  ü Alice’s grandmother and grandfather are looking at

  three photos. (T)

  ü Alice’s parents are looking at their children’s photos. (T)

  ü Alice’s grandmother and grandfather have got five grandchildren. (F)

  b) Listen and repeat the sentences in the pictures.

  c) Look at the third picture. Answer questions.

  Suggested questions for teachers:

  ü Who are they? (Alice’s uncle and aunt)

  ü What do they say? (These are our nephews/our nieces.)

  d) Listen and read the sentences.

  3. A group competition.

  Look at a set of pictures and tell who is this/are

  these as quickly as possible. Try to use many

  different sentences to mean the same meaning.

  4. Look at Mike’s family tree.

  Look and write

  This is my aunt. She is my father’s sister.

  This is my cousin. He is my father’s nephew.

  This is me. I am my grandmother’s grandson.

  These are my sisters. They are my aunt’s nieces.

  These are my cousins. They are my uncle and aunt’s son and daughter/children.

  a) Look at Mike’s family tree. Say something about it.

  b) Say something about Mike’s family tree.

  There are ______ people in Mike’s family.

  This is Mike’s ______. These are his ______.

  His ______ is a/an ______ (job).

  Post-task activity:

  1. Give Photocopiable page 37 to Ss. Ask them to draw and label their own family trees.

  2. Do group work to talk about their


  1. Workbook page 17

  2. Students draw and write about their classmate’s family tree on Photocopiable page 39


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