

时间:2023-08-18 19:55:19 文/张东东老师 自我评价学文网www.xuewenya.com


  Since I was seconded to our bureau in February, I have been diligent and hard working, fulfilling my duties and fulfilling various tasks satisfactorily. The performance of the comrades are identified as follows:

  First, ideological and political quality Focus on political theory study, concerned about national affairs, and strive to improve the political theory of self-cultivation, and actively participate in the political activities of our organization, always strict demands on themselves, ideology and action consistent with the Party Central Committee.

  Second, the work style with the overall awareness and organizational concepts, everything to work as the most important, regardless of personal gains and losses, and serve for my Bureau, strictly abide by the work system.With professionalism and dedication, work hard, proactive, efficiency.Conscientiously abide by the relevant provisions of honesty and self-discipline, integrity, integrity.

  Third, the work performance

  To overcome all difficulties, I guarantee the shuttle bus workers to work on time. In order to ensure the normal carriage of the shuttle bus, Comrade Li Hua spent every day and never took the shuttle bus for a personal reason, or even had to go to work many times with sickness, because of the long journey and complicated route.

  To assist in the completion of a large number of transactional work.Protection of the bureau and the relevant units of the official document operation and information liaison work.


  I have been complying with the national traffic rules for the first time and for the past 30 years, taking safety driving as our fundamental duty and dedication. In my 30-year driving career, without accidents or penalties, the road is running. , The emergence of drunk driving, fatigue, driving a car on the road, and so impede the safe driving of bad habits, strong compliance with national traffic laws and regulations.

  Second, pay attention to vehicle maintenance and repair, regular car care for the hardware to ensure that gas vehicles in the process of driving to play a good performance, trouble-free to improve their own maintenance technology, and more communication with the car, car care and care Of the books.

  Third, on their own body to do regular health checks, so that healthy driving, to ensure that driving, the technology can regulate the use, to ensure traffic safety.

  Fourth, save energy, the worlds energy is declining in the case of savings to become the top priority, fuel-efficient should start from us, in practice to maintain good driving habits regular maintenance car replacement vehicle fuel line hardware.

  Fifth, study with great concentration, conscious temper. In my work, I can earnestly study political theory and legal knowledge, make my ideas and ideas keep up with the pace of the times, and deepen our understanding of the partys guiding principles and policies at this stage, and keep in line with the Party Central Committee ideologically and in action. Adhere to the principles of the party, always with scientific theory, noble spirit to arm, guide and shape their own, uphold the partys fine traditions and style of work, adhere to the partys principles, adhere to the principle of self-discipline.Especially in this year s advanced nature education, to maintain the advanced nature education activities leading group and the party branch arrangement of the theme practice activities can do active participation.Through the study and discussion, we have deepened our understanding of the importance and necessity of maintaining the educational activities of the advanced nature of the Party members, strengthened our political beliefs, and improved our own political theory. Adhere to the subscription and carefully read the "Friends of the car" and other magazines, or read the site, familiar with the various properties of the car, master vehicle troubleshooting techniques, and strive to improve their business skills.


  I have obtained a drivers license from the moment to have five years of experience in the field from the drivers license from the moment, I was determined to be a good driver, the Chinese University of network identification of self-identification: car driver self Identification.

  This past five years, I focus on learning professional knowledge, and continuously enhance the quality of business. And always use the quality of qualified drivers of basic skills, often use spare time, learning to study driving, traffic laws and regulations, machinery and other aspects of knowledge, broaden the knowledge level, improve their own quality, lay a solid foundation for safe driving. Rules to ensure safe driving. In order to ensure traffic safety, usually pay attention to vehicle maintenance, to work every day to insist on checking the vehicle condition, to see whether the vehicle problems, found the problem, timely maintenance, each time to confirm the vehicle in good condition before the car, better to prevent drivingProblems on the road, affecting the normal work of leading events such as the occurrence. At the same time, always insisted on the way to stop driving one-third, do not grab a second, strictly abide by the traffic rules, subject to - police command, better prevent traffic accidents. Thrifty, and create a comfortable environment. Focus on saving a penny for the unit, pay attention to learn to master the vehicle maintenance technology, so that small problems do not enter the plant, big problems less into the plant, to personal problems as much as possible to repair their own. Focus on reducing consumption, pay attention to technical savings, little use of brakes, while keeping the car health, regular cleaning, for the leadership to create a comfortable environment. Work is not afraid of suffering, often dusk, overtime, but no complaints, to ensure that units and leading car in a timely, safe and convenient.

  5 years later, I almost 300 km on the line, has maintained a safe driving without an accident, may not be appreciated by the leadership, has been praised by colleagues, has also been the trust of passengers. I will continue my fine style of work continues!

  X comrades as X driver class monitor, in a years work, always keep in mind the sentence: "one thousand important, important, safe driving is the most important!" So that no accident occurred in the work of traffic safety assessment. In practice, he did this:

  First, law-abiding, safe driving

  In their daily work, X believes that in order to open a good safety car, we must first firmly establish the idea of safety first, we must learn and abide by the relevant laws and regulations of the government and relevant departments, subject to traffic management command, truly "A sound of the motor, focus on thinking! Wheel a move, think of the masses." He attaches importance to traffic safety study, he profoundly recognized: safe driving is not on paper, it is tens of thousands of people with blood and life in exchange for. He has been that: the treatment of traffic accidents, we must "do not let off" (unexplained, rectification measures are not implemented, the penalties are not put in place), the only way to educate the driver in order to analyze the accident Reasons, to identify the root causes, remember the lesson, to prevent accidents!

  In recent years, he paid great attention to the maintenance of vehicles, strict demands on themselves at any time to keep the car in good condition, identify problems and solve in time. "In the past few years, he paid great attention to maintenance of vehicles, Seriously do a good job in the cars seasonal maintenance work, accurate and timely for oil, equipment antifreeze equipment, to adapt to seasonal changes. As the work area is responsible for regional lines, a total of 1100 km, the workload of the monthly inspection, if there is no good vehicle as a guarantee, that work will not be able to work properly. So he work in the daily work of the vehicle to find out the base number, finishing the vehicle file, each vehicle has established a maintenance file, and chartered to the people, not open chaos, chaotic frame.

  Third, strict management, to prevent accidents

  He served as the work area of the squad leader, is responsible for the work area of safe traffic management. In the work, first of all, a good grasp of safety education, technical training and professional ethics education, to strengthen the professionalism of the sector drivers and sense of responsibility, the organization of the sector drivers for safe learning.Second, pay close attention to "one to strengthen, three insisted", that is to strengthen the "three inspections" efforts, insist on safety activities, adhere to professional and technical training, adhere to the examination system. Do ground, strict, fine, effective. Strict: strict management, diligence; strict: strict inspection, do not talk surface; fine: check carefully, meticulous; efficiency: focus on results. In his careful management, the work area in the work of traffic safety, the year 2006 did not occur any assessment of accidents.

  In retrospect of the work of XXXX, we have been able to study hard, work diligently, earnestly fulfill various tasks, actively participate in various political activities organized by the bureau, study hard and constantly improve our political quality. Here I am on the work of the individual to do a year to report to you, deficiencies please criticize correction.

  Because I just started learning to drive, do not know the relevant knowledge or unskilled, often have many aspects of the problem, do not pay attention, it is likely to cause big problems. Hands clasped the steering wheel body almost lying on the steering wheel to drive. This state of tension is very easy to make the body stiffness, not only affects the steering wheel rotation, but also affect the foot control throttle clutch and brake change, more easily in the emergency brake when the head hit the windshield and injured. Positive traffic safety education has repeatedly warned us that "nine accidents nine times faster", which of course is a scientific basis, textbooks often cited some of the data, how much speed under the brakes need long, what speed the driver needs to respond Of the time becomes dull and so on. I have to have a strong ability to overcome before they can get through this hurdle.


  In this years work, earnestly study business knowledge. I in this post, in accordance with the arrangements and requirements of the factory leadership to complete the safety on time and the task, and strive to do their own work. As a xx-x in addition to ensure the production car, the active participation in the voluntary labor. In order to reduce production costs, in the daily traffic, maintenance for energy saving made positive work. Under the leadership of the factory leaders and department heads, I completed the work of xx-x years with all the members of the xx-x team, and consciously abided by the rules and regulations of the traffic laws and regulations. In the leadership and production needs regardless of morning and evening or holidays on call, without remunerationfromthe no complaints.

  Every day at the site of the work of more than 10 hours, the successful completion of the various tasks, has been affirmed by the leadership. At the same time, strictly abide by the car system, on time, seriously maintenance of vehicles, the vehicle performance to maintain the best condition, and strive to study technology, master routine maintenance and driving vehicle performance, and actively participate in safety learning. Follow the traffic police - police command, do not drink and drive, driving civilization, comity three first, to ensure the safety of traffic accidents throughout the year.

  Despite some efforts, my business level than in the past to improve a lot, but need to be further improved. In the future work, I will strengthen the awareness of self-management, the courage to forge ahead with innovation, strengthen theoretical and operational learning, and constantly improve the level of business technology. Next year, I will work with the other comrades xx-x class work, in the plant under the leadership of the leadership and section chief to make their work to a higher level.


  1. Life: cheerful, humorous, with good coordination and communication skills, and team spirit.

  2. Work: clear thinking, strong sense of responsibility, able to view the overall situation. Good professionalism, be able to bear hardships and work under pressure. And has the extremely high judgment and the matter decisive ability. Be good at summing up work experience and make overall personal summary for each project.

  3. Personal expertise: veteran, retired to Panyu Agricultural College as an instructor, work hard, conscientious, conscientious, conscientious. I am a driver in the army. I have been in and out of many provinces and cities with the army. I am a good driver. I have rich driving experience, mature and steady, and can make a quick decision.


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