
中考英语作文范文 国外学习的利与弊

时间:2023-08-25 15:56:19 文/马振华老师 资料学文网www.xuewenya.com

  Studying Abroad

  In recent years, studying abroad has been popular in our country. More and more middle

  school students would like to go abroad through mediators. Is it good or bad to study abroad? In my opinion, on one hand, it has some advantages. Studying abroad can provide better studying conditions. People can make rapid proGREss in their foreign language study and it can also help widen their field of vision. Meanwhile, young students can learn advanced science and technology from foreign countries and spread cultures of different nations.

  On the other hand, it has disadvantages. For example, because of the lack of living experience and poor capability to take care of themselves, they may feel lonely and homesick. In addition, high living expenses and tuition fees will become a heavy burden upon their parents.

  So I think whether studying abroad or not should be decided according to oneself and one’s family. It is not right to follow others.






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