

时间:2023-08-14 15:41:55 文/孙小飞老师 资料学文网www.xuewenya.com

  人与动物的感情The Relation Between Men and Animals

  We are always educated that human and animals are friends, and we should get along well with each other harmoniously. Nowadays, most young people like to keep pets, and they treat these lovely animals as their families. The relationship between men and animals are strong.

  Take the movie Hachi for example. Most people have seen this touching movie would be impressed by the dog’s loyalty to his master. They just can’t help tearing. This director is good at describing the animals. His new work will be soon brought to the screen and surely people will be touched again. In some places, people have the tradition to eat cats and dogs. It is so cruel. Protecting animals is everybody’s duty. If someday they disappear, then the biological system will be broken and there is a great crisis for human being to survive.



  榜样的力量The Power of Example

  Chinese army has caught the world’s attention after they showed the world the new images. Many people feel so proud of Chinese new power. Recently, the picture of a little boy standing behind the soldiers was favored by a lot of people. The soldiers stood in a straight line, as they did in the training, and the little boy followed them.

  People see the power of example from the picture. Good example can cultivate children to be better people. The saying that parents are the mirrors to their kids. Indeed, we can judge the adults from the kids’ behaviors. Take my aunt for example, she is a teacher and she has a daughter. Everyone praises my cousin as they talk about her, because she is polite and helpful. My aunt sets the good example for her.



  最好的偶像The Best Idols

  Most young people have idols, and the popular stars are always treated in the first place in their hearts. In order to see their idols, some people will do a lot of crazy things, such as skip class or save money to buy a concert ticket. While in my heart, the best idols are our soldiers. They stay away homes and stand in the border to protect our safety. When we feel lucky to live in the peaceful time, we should think of these respectable guys. They sacrifice so much to protect our country.

  They are real idols and deserve our praise. When I see them in the TV, I admire them so much. Their images present people the sense of security. We see the power and courage from them, and they are the real idols.




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