

时间:2023-08-20 18:17:03 文/孙小飞老师 证明学文网www.xuewenya.com


  To: visa section

  Dear Sir or Madam:

  Hereby we certify that Mr.chen fuxing (passport No. ) is the vice chairman of our company. He(She) joined our company from 05 May 20xx.

  We certify that Mr.chen fuxing will spend his(her) holiday in XXX( 国家)from 17.Dec.20xx to 30.Dec.20xx.We make sure that he(she) will obey the local rules and come back to China on time. We will keep his(her) position till his(her) coming back.

  His(her) salary in our company is RMB8000 per month. He(She) will cover all the expenses in Europe by himself(herself )

  Best Regards

  Person in charge:Wang Sheng

  Position:HR Manager



  Add:No.16,huangsheng Rd,shanghai




  To: visa section

  Dear Sir or Madam:

  Hereby we certify that Mr.chen fuxing (passport No. )is the vice chairman of our company.

  He(She) joined our company from 05 May 20xx.

  Mr. will represent our company to have a businetrip to UK to negotiate the purchase of the technology from 11th April to 30th April, 2011. We make sure that he(she) will obey the local rules and come back to China on time. We will also keep his(her) position till his(her) coming back.

  His(her) salary in our company is RMB8000 per month. Our company will afford all the expenses in UK for him!

  Best Regards


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