

时间:2023-08-15 03:59:34 文/秦风学老师 英语学文网www.xuewenya.com


谢谢!—— Thank you.

多谢!-- Thanks a lot.

对不起,麻烦你。—— Excuse me.

抱歉。—— Excuse the mess.

需要帮忙吗?--Can I help you.

谢谢你的帮助。—— Thank you for helping me.

无论如何,我还要感谢你。—— Thanks, anyway.

您好。--How are you!

初次见面问好。—— How do you do!

很高兴见到你。—— (It's) nice to meet you.

请问您从哪来。--Where are you from?

请问贵姓。--Can I have your name?

我叫...。—— My name is ... (I'm ...)

很高兴认识你。—— It was a pleasure meeting you.

很高兴见到你。—— Pleased to meet you.

希望再见到你。—— Hope to see you again.

这是不是说我以后可以再见到你?—— Does that mean that I can see you again?

玩得快乐--Have a good time.

祝你好运。—— Good luck.

我希望没事。—— I hope nothing is wrong.

怎么了?—— What's the matter?

糟糕,严重吗?—— Oh, no! Is it serious?

我真为你难过。—— I'm sorry for you.

一路平安,走好。—— Have a safe trip home.


X:If you’d like further information on this,there’s a guidebook in several languages on sale at the information desk.


Y:Do you have a Chinese edition of this?


X:I'm afraid we don't.Won't an English edition do?


Y:I'll try to read one.





shuttle bus,班车。

long tail boat,长尾船。

By meter, please. 请打表。

Where can I take the Tuk-tuk/shuttle bus/long tail boat...? 我在哪可以搭乘三轮摩托车/班车/长尾船......?

友情提示:在泰国飚摩托车被拦下来会被罚款,但是可以讲价,Can you make it cheaper?


I'd like to check in, please. 我想入住。

I've already booked a room online. 我已经在网上预定了。

Do I have to pay a deposit? 我需要付押金吗?

What's the rate? 多少钱?(入住酒店比较少用How much)

Where's my room? 我的房间在哪?

Sorry, could you take me to my room? 不好意思,您能带我去我房间吗?

I'd like to check out, please. 我想退房。


Can I get it duty free? 我能免税买下它吗?

May I try it on? 我能试穿吗?

Where's the fitting room/changing room? 试衣间在哪?

How much? 多少钱?

Could you gift wrap it? 您能帮我包装下吗?

It's too expensive. 太贵了

Could you give me a discount? 您能给我打个折吗?(注意,打八折是让利百分之二十,20 percent off,所以不要听到20 percent就以为打二折哦)

I can't buy with your price. 您这价格我买不了。


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