
英语的演讲稿:trust and acceptance

时间:2023-08-17 10:49:13 文/孙小飞老师 演讲稿学文网www.xuewenya.com

  Good day ladies and gentlemen.Let me atrat with a popular saying.You never get a second chance to make a first impression.

  My speech is titled,How to Sell Yourself.It means how to market your best features.It means how to present yourself in the best light.

  Hrer are some tips.Please listen and learn.Learn how to sell yourself.

  Most importantly,look like a winner.Look like youre going to the top.Project a professional appearance.

  Dress in quality clothes.Dress with a conservative style.Be well-dressed from your head to your toes.

  Dont overdress.Dress well to impress and show respect.Dress your best and youll feel confident and comfortable.

  Next,you must communicate clearly.Respond thoughtfully to each question.Respond slowly with total honesty.

  Be sincere and direct.Be sure you make eye contact.Try to relax and breathe naturally.

  Mind your body language.Stand up straint with good posture.Look attentive but also at ease.

  Also,you need a solid background.You should have a stable track record.Have exemplary credentials to back you up.

  Present a professional resume.Present all school transcripts.Be prepared to explain everything in detail.

  Offer letters of recommendation.Offer letters of reference.List awards of honors youve recieved.

  In addition,have a positive attitude.Be confident of your ability.Be optimistic about your future potential.

  Be polite and courteous.Be punctual and considerate.Exude enthusiasm and energy all the time.

  Dont fake anything.Dont be phony or smug.Be humble and as modest as you can.

  Finally,be assertive.Be self-assured.Be dynamic and aggressive.

  Keep trying to improve.Keep trying to get better.Always give one hundred percent.


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