

时间:2023-08-21 20:30:33 文/李盛老师 文学学文网www.xuewenya.com



  1915年毕业于杭州一中,先后就读于上海沪江大学、天津北洋大学和北京大学。 1918年赴美国克拉克大学学习银行学。十个月即告毕业,获学士学位,得一等荣誉奖。同年,转入纽约的哥伦比亚大学的研究院,进经济系。

  Fallen Leaves

  By Xu Zhimu


  Once again I saw a drift of fallen leaves.


  It’s not surprising to see fallen leaves, but it’s surprising to see them in spring, in April of spring! The most frequently seen in spring should be the brilliant flowers in full bloom and the proud willows in sway, but not the lingering leaves dancing and swirling in the air like butterflies. I was looking at the leaves on the ground. They’re in three different colors: emerald green, golden yellow and fiery red. It can really be said that they’re so colorful. This year seems to be different from previous years. More leaves are falling off particularly in spring. Almost by every tree, there’re always pieces of fallen leaves lying there quietly and waiting for the cleaners to clean.


  In some places, leaves were more abundant. In a park near my residence, piles of fallen leaves were scattered on the stone-paved road and no one came to clean. Once I came here from my school, I stepped on those dry leaves to let out the rustling sounds, as if the leaves were broken. But you would find with a bit care that none of them here is actually cracked.


  There’re a variety of fallen leaves. According to the season, the leaves can be divided into the leaves of four seasons. By trees, the leaves can be classified as pear leaves, peach leaves, camphor leaves, and so forth, in various shapes. By color, they can be categorized into red, green and yellow leaves.


  Everyone knows, fallen leaves are the messengers of autumn. In the fall, there’ll be many leaves falling down like fairies. But in spring, there’ll also be a lot of leaves. In fact, leaves fall in every season including the bitterly cold and windy winter. Even the leaves of the evergreen camphor tree fall off from time to time.


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