Drink Your Fill!
Can’t you see:
The water in the Yellow Riverflows from the sky,
Running out to sea and neverturning back?
Can’t you see:
In grand houses the worry isabout hair color change---
In the morning it was silkenblack;
By nightfall it has turnedhoary?
If you’re doing well in life,enjoylife.
Don’t let your golden cup sitempty in the moonlight.
Since Providence has grantedour births,he must have some use for our talents.
What if I flitted away athousand pieces of gold?
Why,they can always be earned back again.
Boiling beef and preparinglamb,let us be merry:
And three hundred cups weshould each drain.
Venerable Chen and Young Dan Qui:
Drink your fill and not for amoment let your cup stand idle.
Now,let me sing you a song; I pray you lend me a willingear:
Banquet music and dishes ofdelicacies---
They are as nothing to me.
I only wish to stay drunk andnever come out again.
Saints and sages have alwaysbeen lonely.
Only a few gentleman-drinkershave left behind their names.
When Prince of Chen of a pastage entertained his literary friends,
Jars of wine costing afortune were poured
Amid high-spirited jokes andjeers.
Their host never worried ifmoney should run short.
So he’ll send for more wine to toast you again,and yet again.
Thorough-bred horses andexpensive furs---
I’ll exchange them for moresweet wine any time!
Together,we shall drown all our sorrows,old and new.
Invitation towine
Do you not see the YellowRiver come from the sky,
Rushing into the sea andne’er come back?
Do you not see the mirrorsbright in chambers high
Grieve o’er your snow-whitehair though once it was silk-black?
When hopes are won,oh! Drink your fill in high delight,
And never leave your wine-cupempty in moonlight!
Heaven has made us talents,we’re not made in vain.
A thousand gold coins spent,more will turn up again.
Kill a cow,cook a sheep and let us merry be,
And drink three hundredcupfuls of wine in high glee!
Dear friends of mine,
Cheer up,cheer up!
I invite you to wine.
Do not put down your cup!
I will sing you a song,please hear,
O hear! Lend me a willingear!
What difference will rare andcostly dishes make?
I only want to get drunk andnever to wake.
How many great men wereforgotten through the ages?
But great drinkers are morefamous than sober sages.
The Prince of Poets feast’d in his palace at will,
Drank wine at ten thousand acask and laughed his fill.
A host should not complain ofmoney he is short,
To drink with you I will sellthings of any sort.
My fur coat worth a thousandcoins of gold
And my flower-dappled horsemay be sold
To buy good wine that we maydrown the woes age-old.
诗人在此托物起兴,想表达汹涌澎湃的黄河水有如从天而降,并一泻千里,不可回还。但是两位译者都不约而同的采用直接翻译原诗的做法,并没有翻译出黄河水好似从天而降的意味,而是译成黄河之水就是来自于天上。就此处而言,两位译者都做到了对原诗的“信”而放弃了对事实的“信”。就其意境而言,两位译者都译出了原诗突如其来的震撼力和不可回还的“逝”气,也照应了第二句的感叹人生苦短,做到了“达”和“雅”。在用词方面,许译本的snow-white很好的体现了原文的“雪”字,但龚译本的hoary更体现了头发灰白色的自然特征。至于“悲白发”的翻译,两位译者采取了不同的方法,许先生选择不译,龚先生用了“the worry is about hair color change”。许先生舍“信”求“雅”,而龚先生的译文做到了“信”“雅”兼备。
【作者】李白 【朝代】唐代
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