

时间:2023-08-24 04:46:13 文/孙小飞老师 文学学文网www.xuewenya.com


  摘 要

  白居易是唐代伟大的现实主义诗人,白居易讽喻诗再解读 - 毕业论文。他的诗通俗易懂,艺术成就很高,为广大人民所传颂。其中最有价值且他本人也最看重的是讽喻诗。“意激而言直”的讽喻诗,是白居易“兼济天下”政治抱负的.具体体现,也是他新乐府诗歌理论的具体实践。白居易的讽喻诗数量虽不太多,仅有1百710首左右(其中《新乐府》510首),但内容广泛,现实性很强,有很高的思想价值。而且他的讽喻诗在艺术(尤其是语言艺术)上也有很高的成就,对后世现实主义文学起到了1定的指导作用。本文通过对其讽喻诗的研究,进1步探讨白居易讽喻诗在思想内容以及语言艺术特色方面的成就。



  Juyi Bai is the greatest realistic poet in Tang Dynasty. His poem is easy to catch on, and popular among our people. So his has a big achievement in art. Allegorical poem is regarded as the most important poem by Bai. “great passion and direct expression ” is the good example of Bais “saving people” political ambition as well as a practice of “xin yue fu ”theory. Bai dont write many allegorical poems only about one hundred and seventy. But there are fifty“xin yue fu ”poem are refers to a lot of aspects, with reality and great value. In addition, Bais allegorical poem achieves a lot in art especially language art., then place a guide role for late realistic art. The author will deeply analyse Bais allegorical poem to discuss the greatest achievement in poems content and style of language.

  Key words: Juyi Bai; allegorical poem; the main idea; worries about country and citizen


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