

时间:2023-08-19 08:53:59 文/秦风学老师 童话学文网www.xuewenya.com


  One day a rooster was catching insects on the grass. A hungry fox came out to forage for food, found the cock, and was hungry, and began to think of how to seize it without effort. The fox looked around and saw that there was a hard stick on the grass. Suddenly the eye was bright and came up with a good idea: to beat the cock with a wooden stick. So he picked up the stick and crept toward the cock.

  Suddenly, the fox did not notice to kick a stone, and the stone fell near the rooster. The cock found the fox and trembled with fear. For a moment it tried to calm itself down, to understand that the fox was running, and thought hard, suddenly, a good idea came up. It put on a very painful appearance and said to the fox, "brother fox, do you want to eat me? But I have a nasty infection and will die soon. If you eat me, you will die soon." The fox thinks: the stomach is small, the life is more important. He dropped his stick and ran away. At that moment, the cock showed his winning smile and shouted, "brother fox, why don't you eat me?" The fox ignored it and ran away faster.

  So the cock scared the fox away with his wisdom. This story illustrates that when encountering difficulties, you can't flinch, you have to rack your brain to come up with all possible solutions, overcome difficulties, and win the final victory.


  On one Saturday, the little monkey went out to find food with his mother. After a long walk, he finally found a peach tree.

  The little monkey said happily, "mum, I want to eat the peaches."

  The mother said to the little monkey, "well, is it enough to eat three a day?"

  "The little monkey replied," not enough. I can't get my teeth into it!"

  Once again, my mother said to the little monkey, "is nine enough for three days?"

  The little monkey happily said: "enough, enough, thank you mother!"

  Mother felt the little monkey's head and whispered, "silly child!"

  The little monkey ate three peaches and went out to play happily with his mates!

  The little monkey came home and asked his mother, "I still have six peaches."

  The mother replied, "aren't you already eating?"

  "Don't you say nine in one day? "

  The monkey mother said: "it is 3 days eat 9, not 1 day eat 9 ah!"

  The monkey scratched his head and said, "oh, yes!

  This is the story of the little monkey!


  I am a living in the Soviet union the clark, my chest is deep red, like wearing a red scarf, a pair of jiongjiongweishen eyes beneath the embedded in my forehead, I wore a suit gray fur coats, two breasts pink the clark and I live in a tall, tall birch tree in the park, can say we live in a free.

  But one day, I was living in the nature of time is over, a little boy found me and think I am beautiful, want to me to have, just as his hands without sufficient policy, he has a brainwave, came up with a "sleeve". He kicked me down a long stick, he's so damned secretive behind me, while I do not pay attention to, rush toward to come over, I return to absolute being, he has been caught, in cook for a few days later, the little boy finally, I return to the nature.

  Comrade Lenin, who really loves me, asked me where I went yesterday, and I certainly didn't answer him, because I only spoke "the birds", if I told the little boy to be criticized.


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