No escape
One by one
Die running
They fear me
Fear the Void
From the dark
Endless hunger
In the shadows
Limb from limb
Death from afar
A different view
Blood in the air
Clever creatures
Slice them apart
Consume and adapt
Pierce and skewer
Strike from above
Devour their bones
I am living change
Isolate and devour
They can't keep up
Evolve and overcome
I sense worthy prey
Position for ambush
Sharpening my claws
They'll never see me
I will soar over them
My wings are restless
This world is delicious!
They will not expect this!
They won't know what hit them
(laughs) You're barely worth eating!
If I eat you, will I learn how to die
I ate an optimist once, but I couldn't keep him down
Do not fear death. The best part of you will live on!
To truly know someone, eat them and walk a mile in their feet
My purpose is eating deadly creatures. My hobby is eating yordles
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