

时间:2023-08-22 20:56:44 文/孙小飞老师 实习报告学文网www.xuewenya.com

英语实习报告 篇1

  Practice makes perfect! After more than three years of acquiring knowledge in college, I feel completely like practicing what I have learned and luckily this year I got a chance to practice teaching English in online education with Beiwaionline Tutorial Center in Bohai University. Now the practice has come to an end. However, I have so many feelings and memories that I can not help writing this paper to summarize what I have experienced and learned.

  At the very beginning when I practiced, I was quite excited about my work. When I stood in the classroom and faced my students I could easily get them interested in the class and teach them what I have learned in my college. But just wait! Classroom teaching is not the only task. I would also teach the students in a brand new way-- Online Education. I suddenly felt I was a complete green hand. I was even not sure what the online education is and what I should do. At that time, my tutors came to me and taught me a new lesson.

  Online Education is considered as a new way of teaching in China, though some countries started several years ago. The capacity of the traditional campus higher education is limited, and though it has increased enrollment in recent years, it still cannot meet the needs of our young people who wish to continue their studies let alone the needs of mature people already in the workplace who may wish to extend their qualifications. And Beijing Foreign Studies University founded the Institute of Online Education to meet people's needs for English language training at tertiary level.

  Well, I have been informed what I need to start my work. As an online education teacher I should not be only good at English and teaching, but skillful in using computer as well. For instance, I have to use the Microsoft PowerPoint to create a lecture and even host a online seminar through the Internet. So in the first week I learned a lot about the modern teaching method. Also, I was lucky to audit several classes by my instructors. This really teaches me a new lesson. The knowledge and skills we acquired at school is not enough when we get to work. Opportunity only goes to those who are already prepared. I think from now on I will be very glad to get challenged at all times.

  To teach in such a new way is actually not a breeze. Every weekend after teaching online in the weekdays, we have a classroom meeting. The students are supposed to propose their questions of the relative course. They work very hard in their study, which means I have to be so fully prepared about my lesson that I will not disappoint them. Therefore, everyday I forced myself to prepare my lesson: studying the book, go online to search relative resources, writing the teaching plan, devising the class and even practicing giving a lecture in advance.

  I still remember my first class a couple of weeks ago. I was very nervous at first. More than sixty eyes stared at me. At that time, I was stressed out. Ten minutes later, I gradually relaxed and gave the lesson calmly. I tried my best to make the class proceed smoothly: offering the outline of each unit in the book, underlining the language focus and major points, answering the questions and assigning the homework. All the students were completely involved in the class. After class, most of them surrounded me with smiles and thanked for my wonderful performance and said how much they liked the class. I felt flattered. In the meantime, I suddenly found I was so happy to be a teacher. It is really a pleasure that you are trusted and appreciated for your work by others. They considered me as their close friends. Never had I been so sure that I would choose teaching as my undertaking.

  For the rest of the month I kept doing all I can to finish my work. Not only for the students, but also for myself. When the practice came to the end, the dean of the department and my tutors gave me a high valuation. As for myself, I take this experience as a beginning of my future studying and working. Thanks to this practice, I learned a lot everyday and strengthened my will to devote myself to the education in the near future. My one-month practicing teaching is over, but my striving after my ideal will never stop! 





英语实习报告 篇2

  Internship Report

  I. Purpose:

  First, to deepen understanding of profession, to confirm career preferences.

  There are many E~1dkLOCALS~1Tempmsohtml11clip_image001.gif">my first major task E~1dkLOCALS~1Tempmsohtml11clip_image001.gif">time consuming, but complex and knotty as it involved a great amount of reading and recording. I managed to produce information, and communicate y English. As long as my oral English is enough to communicate and I knoed or criticized for my fault at first, I portance to me, then to the country.

  III. Gains:

  “Study for the sake of use.” as a Chinese saying goes, I should say that there does exist a big gap betiliar ajor student, pletely right.

  IV. Problems and Solutions :

  The first one is related etimes, I y thoughts and focused myself on my y e customers’ pronunciation I cannot understand. One time, a client called me on Skype, so I found that he spoke very fast and I just can catch "Hello!" Then I could not understand any y best to make friends and chat with them from different countries. I"ll work even harder.

英语实习报告 篇3





  自己的课.还记得正式上课前,自动请缨要热身一下.王老师就想到让我讲学生些的报纸读后感,10分钟的时间虽短,对我来说,紧张感丝毫不减.没有一下子面对过40多个学生的我,要多大的声音才够,什么样的姿势,板书该怎么写,都是要好好考虑一下的.前一天把学生评论比较多的文章通读了一遍,自己也写了简单的Summary,导入的话也一字不差的写在了纸上正式讲之前还拉同学简单试讲了一下,结果漏洞百出,很多话都接不上,准备好的稿子都忘了精光,消除紧张感是最重要的吧.好在正式讲的时候发挥的不错,可能是跟同学们熟悉了的关系吧.正式上课已经是到市二的第四周了,之前准备教案时没睡过几个安稳觉,第一节课用的是PPT, 讲的是关于植物的养护相关的内容,为了准备PPT的内容,特地到学校的各个角落采风,拍了学校里各种植物,目的除了上课时能生动些,也是想让学生了解到我们美丽的校园里还有如此多种多样的植物.可能是PPT教学的原因,学生大部分的注意力都集中在屏幕上,这样反而使我的心态平和了下来,非常顺利的完成了第一堂课.接下来的几堂课,算是驾轻就熟了吧,通常讲过一遍的教案到第二个班再讲会容易很多,上课的速度要与学生接受知识的速度相适应,也是需要实战一下才能掌握的技巧.



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