

时间:2023-08-18 21:31:03 文/王明刚老师 诗歌学文网www.xuewenya.com


  "Hello,dear Robin in the tree,


  Will you sing a song for me ?


  'Yes,I will sing a happy song,


  Cheerily cheerily all day long.


  Hear the March winds blow,


  See the green buds show,


  Beartiful flowers are dancing,


  Glad that spring is coming."



  Sound the flute!

  Now it's mute.

  Birds delight,

  Day and night;


  In the dale,

  Lark in sky,


  Merrily, merrily, to welcome in the year.


  The village is full of the colour of white, and noises

  Acacia flowers are blooming, attracting the wings of bees

  To be covered with pollens of the sunshine

  If you mix acacia flowers with flour and steam it—

  We take a short cut to get ahead of the bees

  And smell the scent of spring

  “Acacia honey, acacia honey—“ Beekeepers

  Prolongs his cry

  And the road from * to the beehives are prolonged as well


  by the road to the contagious hospital

  under the surge of the blue

  mottled clouds driven from the

  northeast—a cold wind. beyond, the

  waste of broad, muddy fields

  brown with dried weeds, standing and fallen

  patches of standing water

  the scattering of tall trees

  all along the road the reddish

  purplish, forked, upstanding, twiggy

  stuff of bushes and small trees

  with dead, brown leaves under them

  leafless vines—

  lifeless in appearance, sluggish

  dazed spring approaches—

  they enter the new world naked,

  cold, uncertain of all

  save that they enter. all about them

  the cold, familiar wind—

  now the grass, tomorrow

  the stiff curl of wildcarrot leaf

  one by one objects are defined—

  it quickens: clarity, outline of leaf

  but now the stark dignity of

  entrance—still, the profound change

  has come upon them: rooted they

  grip down and begin to awaken


  When Spring Goes By

  The winds that on the uplands softly lie,

  Grow keener where the ice is lingering still

  Where the first robin on the sheltered hill

  Pipes blithely to the tune,"When Spring goes by!"

  Hear him again,"Spring!Spring!" He seems to cry,

  Haunting the fall of the flute-throated rill,

  That keeps a gentle,constant,silver thrill,

  While he is restless in his ecstasy.

  Ah!the soft budding of the virginal woods,

  Of the frail fruit trees by the vanishing lakes:

  There's the new moon where the clear sunset floods,

  A trace of dew upon the rose leaf sky;

  And hark!what rapture the glad robin wakes-

  "When Spring goes by; Spring!Spring!When

  Spring goes by."

  Duncan Campbell Scott


  Beautiful Spring

  Beautiful spring is here.

  The winter is gone.

  But the birds are back.

  The snow is gone.

  But the flowers are back.

  Old coats are gone.

  But new ones are here.

  Spring is a beautiful time.


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