
Late September 英文诗词

时间:2023-08-17 15:09:40 文/张东东老师 诗词学文网www.xuewenya.com

Late September 英文诗词

  by Charles Simic

  The mail truck goes down the coast

  Carrying a single letter.

  At the end of a long pier

  The bored seagull lifts a leg now and then

  And forgets to put it down.

  There is a menace in the air

  Of tragedies in the making.

  Last night you thought you heard television

  In the house next door.

  You were sure it was some new

  Horror they were reporting,

  So you went out to find out.

  Barefoot, wearing just shorts.

  It was only the sea sounding weary

  After so many lifetimes

  Of pretending to be rushing off somewhere

  And never getting anywhere.

  This morning, it felt like Sunday.

  The heavens did their part

  By casting no shadow along the boardwalk

  Or the row of vacant cottages,

  Among them a small church

  With a dozen gray tombstones huddled close

  As if they, too, had the shivers.


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