
Metaphors of a Magnifico英文诗词

时间:2023-08-20 16:16:45 文/李盛老师 诗词学文网www.xuewenya.com

Metaphors of a Magnifico英文诗词

  Metaphors of a Magnifico

  by Wallace Stevens

  Twenty men crossing a bridge,

  Into a village,

  Are twenty men crossing twenty bridges,

  Into twenty villages,

  Or one man

  Crossing a single bridge into a village.

  This is old song

  That will not declare itself . . .

  Twenty men crossing a bridge,

  Into a village,


  Twenty men crossing a bridge

  Into a village.

  That will not declare itself

  Yet is certain as meaning . . .

  The boots of the men clump

  On the boards of the bridge.

  The first white wall of the village

  Rises through fruit-trees.

  Of what was it I was thinking?

  So the meaning escapes.

  The first white wall of the village . . .

  The fruit-trees . . .


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