

时间:2023-08-16 19:14:00 文/阿林老师 申请书学文网www.xuewenya.com

  Dear xx,

  It is an apparent truth that, in modern technology-dominated and highlycompetitive society, the kind of people who will be most highly appreciated arethose who command central business regulations and legal rules,grasp advancedtechnology ahead of others and apply it to productive utilization, and possessoutstanding management talents and interpersonal communication skills. Although,with the alarmingly rapid integration of global economy and the dramatic changesof technological advances, competitions among management talents are alsobecoming increasingly fierce, the professional with the aforesaid combination oftalents will ultimately prevail, and are bound to become the most sought-afterpeople on the job market. As a person who has achieved moderate successes inmarket competitions, I have made a seemingly abrupt and incomprehensivedecision—to suspend my booming career in favor of an application for admissioninto the Management Science and Engineering program at your prestigiousuniversity. However, the motivation behind this present application issufficiently simple—to develop myself through your program into a well-trainedprofessional with that special combination of talents, with a strong academicbackground, who can stand up to the challenges of tomorrow.

  My confidence in my potential is derived from the outstanding performancethat I have produced over the past few years in my business activities. Upongraduation from The xx Institute of Light Industry in 1996, I, despite myundergraduate specialization in leather engineering, chose the employment withthe xx International Trade Company in an effort to satisfy my interest inbusiness and management. From working as sales representative to sales managerof the Company, I carried out important responsibilities and made importantachievements. I was responsible for marketing computer accessories and networkequipment in the three provinces which constitute the entire Northeastern partof China. I was also in charge of selling xx automobiles and my annual salesvolume reached an average of 50 million RMB. Then in 20xx, I switched to work atChina xx Information Technology Corporation, one of the top 100 electronicenterprises in China, where I participated in the implementation of more than adozen projects, including several major projects such as the project ofrenovating the large screens in the xx at the worth of 10 million RMB. Myequally outstanding performance in those projects won high eva luations from myimmediate superior.

  My ability to carry out effective study and research as demonstrated in mypast academic career is sufficient to convince me of my adaptability to a newacademic environment and to a rigorous curriculum. As a child from a onceimpoverished farm family, it is all too natural for me to have experienced anacademic pursuit replete with hardships and challenges. It is exactly thisdirect experience and deep insight into the difficult conditions of humanexistence that resulted in my sustained diligent efforts at my coursework, hencemy consistently distinguished academic performance. In the local best middle andhigh school, I was ranked first, participating in national physics andmathematics competitions and city-level English contests and winning goodresults. I self-studied the college courses of mathematic analysis and advancedmathematics, and took up English and Japanese as my first and second foreignlanguages. The xx Institute of Light Industry which I subsequently entered isone of the key colleges of China and I handled all my coursework with muchfacility. Among a wide variety of specialized courses, I liked AdvancedMathematics, Physical Chemistry and Principles of Chemical Engineering most, andmy self-education focused on Linear Algebra, Probability Theory, and C ProgramDesign. The study of those abstruse courses was a kind of enjoyment for me, notonly training my ability of logical thinking but also providing me with a soundmathematics foundation. When a sophomore, I was the first in my class to passthe National English Proficiency Test (Band VI). Although I had to work hardpart-time in order to cover my younger brother’s and my own tuition, I did notallow my part-time jobs to interfere with my proper academic work, achievingvery satisfactory results in almost all the courses. My score for mathematicswas the highest in the class and I was awarded third-class scholarship.

  Even during my undergraduate career, I had tried to gain some managementskills. In the second year, I was made responsible for the management, logisticsand personnel recruitment of the Students Part-Time Store invested by theInstitute itself. In the third year I took part in the training sponsored by thexx Company regarding advanced process of leather treatment and productutilization. I was also very active in extracurricular events, launching studentorganizations such as the departmental Chess Association and CalligraphyAssociation. Those activities helped me improve the precious ability incommunication, coordination and negotiation and profoundly realize theimportance of teamwork. My undergraduate thesis is my first major adventure intothe realm of management. Entitled The Overall Design of a Leather ChemicalEngineering Plant and its Leather Chemical Engineering, my thesis was designedto change the then preva lent trend of leather treatment dominated by manuallabor which fell far short of optimum resource allocation and utilization. Icreatively modeled my design on the advanced technological processes of Xxxandother foreign companies. The large-scale leather chemical engineering plant thatI designed preserved traditional processes while featuring advanced equipment,more rationalized processes and resource allocation. When applied to severalplants, my design helped reduced costs by 20 percent and my thesis was rated“first-class.”

  Based on my rich work experience and sound learning capacity, I haveformulated a tentative study plan for my proposed program. I will firstconsolidate my theoretical foundation, learning basic courses in ENGINEERINGECONOMY、MANAGEMENT OF TECHNOLOGY VENTURES、INFORMATION SCIENCE while graspingknowledge in finance, information application system, supply management,decision making and policy making. At the same time, I will try to applyadvanced theories and skills to practice and gain a deep understanding ofWestern management concepts and experiences. I will also pay due attention toChina’s developments in the relevant fields and explore how to best apply myknowledge to solve realistic problems in China. My ultimate objective is tobecome a person with knowledge of several different languages, laws in relevantcountries, equipped with advanced management concepts and skills, and able tokeep pace with global technological development. I believe that the educationallevel and the faculty resource of your university can help me fulfill myaspirations.

  My objective is set and my preparations are made. I cannot help feelingexcited over the prospect of becoming a well-trained management elite. In thisundertaking, I need your academic input and your first-class training to be aleader in tomorrow’s competitive world.

  Yours sincerely,


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