

时间:2023-08-11 21:33:52 文/张东东老师 申请书学文网www.xuewenya.com

Dear x,

  A student of the Peking University’s inaugural program of advertising, I amwriting in support of my application for acceptance into your graduate programof communication studies. With my solid education and my professional experiencethat is as colorful as it is rare, I believe that, with your seasoned guidance,I can build upon my strong background, for a pioneering career in China’sbooming advertising industry.

  At Peking University, dubbed the Harvard of China by President Clinton onhis recent trip to Chins, I have been a student star on campus due to myoutstanding academic performances. When I entered into this university in 1995,I already stood out among my crop of freshmen, having won a total of scores inthe 1995 National College Entrance Examinations that was the fifth highest inBeijing. A fervent fan of my chosen subject of studies, I have proved myself asmuch of an intellectual wizard in higher learning as I was in grade school, asdemonstrated by my grades, which placed me at the very top in my class of 23. MyGPA in the first three years is 89.5, a rarely seen high grade in PKU. My GPAfor core courses is over 90, far higher than that of my fellow students. I wasthe only one who received 100, the full mark, in two theoretical courses, theadvanced mathematics and appreciation of fine arts. In practical courses likecomputer design, my grades were also high, sometimes as high as 96. Inrecognition of such stellar performances, I have been named the top student ofthe department and granted Academic Excellence Scholarships for threeconsecutive years. I was elected the Student Representative for AcademicAffairs.

  But I was no bookworm. To broaden my vision and enrich my knowledge, I alsochose electives in such fields as Russian Literature and Chinese History. I havespent considerably more time in the library than my classmates. The more Ilearnt on campus, the more I hoped to see the real world outside the ivorytower. So in the first summer recess, I applied for a temporary job at the Advertising Agency, affiliated with the China Sports Daily, when most ofmy friends and classmates were enjoying themselves at home or traveling around.Appointed as the accounting executive assistant, I helped organize a promotionalevent for the Atlantic Olympic Games. This job gave me a picture of China’sadvertising industry.

  In the first semester of the academic year 1996-1997, I worked part-timewith the PKU TV Net, where I was offered a splendid opportunity to improve myability in journalism. Being a Weekly News broadcaster, I regularly faced tensof thousands of audience, which greatly increased my confidence. I learnt tothink independently and cooperate wit others when doing the series reports “PKUstudents’ life”, a program which was mainly about student recipients of prizesin national and international contests. Conducted with creativity and diligence,the program was placed among the best programs in the PKU TV Net.

  Unlike most other students, I have never stopped working while in school.From September 1997 on, I have been working as a research assistant in CCTV’sQiantu Advertising Company, the sixth biggest in China. My responsibility is toestablish a market database. Difficult as it was, I have handled it without aglitch. I have also done part-time work helping to promote the President FoodCorporation and served as a research assistant in the S & D Research Agency,a consulting firm specialized in conducting market surveys for multinationals inChina.

  With special skills in Chinese calligraphy, I taught calligraphy in theChina Children’s Center, the best of its kind in China. My students, mostly sixto twelve years old, had difficulties in understanding the aesthetics inherentChinese calligraphy. To help them, I taught them Chinese poems and ancientcharacters instead of confining myself to only calligraphy. The approach turnedout to be very effective, and their skills improved dramatically. In these andother similar experiences, I gained skills of interpersonal communication,particularly in terms of how to understand other people’s problems and how tohelp them out.

  It is in my working experience that I first developed the desire to pursueadvanced studies in a quality graduate program in the United States. As anintern with the Dentsu Young & Rubicam Advertising Corporation, one of theworld’s largest communications groups, I now witness firsthand the dramaticsocial and economic changes engendered by the proliferation of digitaltechnologies and increasing corporate globalization. These changes have createdthe highly sophisticated information society. Trying daily to develop wordingsthat could catch people’s attention in this complex society, I have acquired aheightened sense of urgency about improving attention in this complex society, Ihave acquired a heightened sense of urgency about improving China’s advertisingindustry at both theoretical and practical levels. I believe that advertisingexpertise from such advanced countries as the U. S. and Japan would certainlyhelp China. In order to command such expertise and then introduce it to mycountry, I am making this application so that I can have a firm grasp of theadvanced theories and practices your country has developed in communicationfield, particularly in respect of advertising.

  I believe that my English proficiency is more than sufficient for me toundertake the kind of studies that I am seeking through this application. I havescored well in such English language tests as TIEFL and GRE. As a betterindicator of my practical language skills, I just finished translating anEnglish book “The History of Graphic Design” into Chinese together with fourother translators, including a professor. My writing, listening and oral Englishare as good as my reading.

  This application is being made with a sense of mission. As anundergraduate, I have learned the basics of advertising, and I would bepromising in China as a graduate from one of the country’s best universities.With a booming advertising industry in China, I will surely secure a well-payingjob. But I cannot be satisfied unless I can help my country as much I helpmyself. For that, I wish to enhance my capabilities by pursuing graduate studiesin such fields as mass communication, communication studies or media studies ata university in North America, where these genres of studies are much moredeveloped than in China. Whatever program I get in, I would like my studies tobe focused on the theories of and practices in advertising. If you find mequalified for advanced studies in areas other than those I have mentioned, Iwould greatly appreciate it if you could let me know any suggestions that youmay have.

  The University of Hawaii is well known for its unique position as a bridgebetween east and west. It is well known for its excellence in the communicationfield, complete with an accomplished faculty and modern research resources. Withstudents from various nations, it provides its students with a good chance tolearn from different cultures. It is an ideal place for communication studies.If I am accepted, I believe I can make quick progress in communication studiesin general, and in advertising in particular.

  I plan to return to China after the completion of my graduate studieseither to teach at one of the larger Chinese universities or to lead a Chineseadvertising company. In either case, I will bring back what I will have learned.I hope that, when the history of modern advertising in China is written, I willbe remembered as one of those who have played a pioneering role in thedevelopment of the industry.

  Yours sincerely,



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  经营大学经营专业需要T O P IK6级。



















  3)语言能力证明:提交韩语或者英语中一个以上的证明材料(经营大学经营专业的情况韩语T O P IK6级必须提交)。


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