Dear x,
Graphic Design is always around us, and learning how to communicate in avisual manner has inspired me to learn more about the subject. The words‘create’ and ‘design’ have always sparked a sense of enthusiasm and excitementwithin me. From an early age I have always had a creative characteristic which Ifeel is my most dominant. For many years I have enjoyed designing logos,packaging and coming up with creative campaign concepts. Since learning thatGraphic Design is something that I’m driven towards I have gained an interestand spectrum of knowledge about graphic designers such as Milton Glaser, HerbLubalin and Paul Rand. Their works have inspired me to develop my own skills andhave given me an insight as to how to establish a creative mind-set.
Working within the Communications and PR, Film and Graphic DesignDepartments at Imperial College whilst on work experience, I was able to exploredifferent ways of communicating through social media, film and print design. Ithoroughly enjoyed my time with the Graphic Design team where I was able to seehow various software’s were used to develop banners for the university fair.
During my placement I learnt how fundamental research is and how it isconducted during the whole design process. After the placement I was moredecisive about wanting to delve into the world of Graphic Design, hence I setabout finding a work placement that solely focused on Graphic Design. My secondplacement was at Virgin Media, where I worked with graphic designers and UXdesigners and was introduced to the field of digital design. I attended meetingswhere briefs were being discussed and was able to follow the journey of thegraphic designers to witness how they went about delivering the brief; andhelping design assets for the website. The placement allowed me to comprehendwhat digital design consisted of and learn about the works of alternativedesigners such as UX designers. My enthusiasm for Graphic Design made me want toexpand my knowledge, hence I took a Graphic Design course at Central SaintMartins. The course was completely different to my professional work placements.The course prohibited the use of computers and all artefacts were formulatedfrom research trips and materials; making me realise the extent of graphicdesign. The manner in which I worked was refreshing from constantlycollaborating with software. After the course I was able to understand thatthere are various methods of communicating which do not involve software. In myfree time I self-teach myself Photoshop and Illustrator through tutorials. Ialso enjoy self-initiating briefs for myself, as well as briefs set by agenciessuch as D&AD, RSA and YCN which provide me with a creative challenge. Forexample I have ‘restyled street style’ for ASOS, which was a brief set byD&AD. I also voluntarily design logos for businesses, go to contemporarygalleries, the Barbican Centre, research trips for my creative briefs and workon my briefs.
I also look forward to the annual London Design Week, where I have becomeeducated about designers and new design processes and am able to drawinspiration upon. I have volunteered helping teach 6-9 year olds at my communityart club, which I attended for 3 years. I have achieved the Bronze D of E, had apart time job for one year at a high end retail store and was part of my localnetball club where I trained and competed. Completing these activities hasenabled me develop a strong sense of co-operation, teamwork, good social skillsand commitment which would greatly benefit me whilst studying a degree. I try toseek all possible opportunities to help me advance my skills in Graphic Design,and feel that having the opportunity to take my admiration of design to degreelevel would be extremely rewarding. I’m self-motivated and eager to startdevoting my time and attention to Graphic Design, and am positive universitywill help me excel in what I like doing best.
Yours sincerely,
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