

时间:2023-08-11 16:15:25 文/莉落老师 申请书学文网www.xuewenya.com

  Dear xxx,

  Making an option for an undergraduate specialty is just like making an optionfor the course of life. It is the greatest joy in life to indulge in the studyof the specialty that best suits one‘s taste. The specialty of EconomicInformation Management specialty is an interdisciplinary faculty that combinesthe knowledge of computer science, economics and management. It covers threemajor areas that gallop at the fastest speed and throb synchronically with thepulses of the present-day society. As an interdisciplinary subject, it endeavorsto investigate the efficacy of computer application in both economy andmanagement. This perfectly fitted in with my innate quickness of thought and myclose concern for reality. For several years in the past, I have experiencedmany setbacks and frustrations in the process of studying this subject, but Ihave also experienced the joy, the illumination and the stimulation that itbrought me with its rapid development and practical values. Anyway, I willcontinue to be fascinated by this subject with its endless secrets.

  Years of study and research, as well as practical work, have enabled me todevelop a superb command of computer technology and its application inmanagement. To me, the subjects on data structure, computer network,target-oriented methods and C++, information systems analysis and designing,trade information and EDI, information economics, industrial enterpriseinformation management, and commercial enterprise information management are themost beautiful flowers in this infinitely beautiful garden of knowledge. Theyexposed to me a brand-new academic sphere featuring interdependence and commonadvancement, leaving me completely enamored with the enormous practical value ofthe computer technology. At present, I have become well versed in manyprofessional skills, including Java Delphi, C / C ++, VB, HTML and java script.In terms of operational system and databanks, I am very skilled in Windows NT,UNIX, MSSQL Server, Sybase and DB2. Due to the nature of the specialty, I mustclosely follow the latest academic developments, especially in the latestprogress of computer technology. I often take an active part in academicmeetings and technical training. For example, I was involved in a number ofacademic events sponsored by CCF Young Computer Scientists & EngineersForum, which covered the development of Linux technology in China, networksafety and multimedia technologies. Recently, I have conducted a comparativestudy of several popularly-employed servers and my research findings will soonbe published in the China Computer Technology Journal. In addition to thisresearch, my graduation thesis is another fruition of my devoted academicendeavors. It deals with IC card technology and its application. It aims toresolve the safety and the encryption technology of IC card as well as theconcrete design of IC card machine room controls. In this project, we studiedthe working principles of IC card that can be read repetitively as well as an ICcard reader capable of repeated reading to realize the functions of online feecalculation through IC card reading technologies. The research findings weresubsequently employed in the management of our university‘s own computer center.The judges of my thesis unanimously rated the thesis as thoroughgoing andexhaustive, replete with original concepts, and with very rich values both intheory and in practice.

  My interest and industry were well rewarded with outstanding scholasticresults. My fellow students were all very brilliant and I was far behind themwhen I first entered the university. But my dauntless character drove me upward.I later caught up with them and ranked fourth in a class of 46 students. My GPAwas 3.4 in the four years of study and was 3.5 in the latter two, showing anupward progress. I scored for four times the highest-grade scholarships and wasrated as an outstanding graduate, something very rare in a class. My thesis wasalso graded "outstanding."

  At the stage of undergraduate studies, I was engaged in specific softwaredevelopment related to my specialty. I realized some financial modules withVisual Foxpro in the E-commerce modular education software. Upon graduation fromuniversity, I worked at the Product R&D Department of a very famous computercompany mainly involved in the research and development of net banks and onlinepayment. The projects in which I participated at this company include: theR&D of online banking projects of the Industrial and Commercial Bank ofChina and the Agricultural Bank of China, and the R&D of intermediatepayment products bys Globalset, QSI and Trintech. In the ISO9000 softwarequality confirmation work, I was responsible for managing and researching thesoftware quality system standards. In the annual China International FinancialExhibition, I was responsible for organizing and planning. During this period ofmy work, I have become acquainted with many leading techniques, including thedemand analysis, systems designing, software designing and project managementfor ISO90000 standardized techniques related to the Java Enterprise grade and toNetwork Safety. My performance has received highly positive comments from mysuperior.

  Nevertheless, in the actual working experience, I have become increasinglyaware of the weaknesses of the relevant computer technology in China. In thefield of E-commerce, China‘s footsteps of development have been withheld mainlybecause China has neither E-commerce solutions suitable for its particularconditions nor advanced software and network technologies. There is a big gapbetween China and advanced western countries in software quality because Chinahas not paid adequate attention to this issue. China has not yet developedrelevant intellectual technology or established a complete set of reliablemechanisms with regard to the implementation of software designing, testing andmaintenance. I have developed an adequate command of the relevant skills inthose aspects and I have always maintained an intense interest in them. I hopethat by seeking advanced studies abroad, I will succeed in finding a suitableE-commerce solution for China‘s emerging industry in this field. On the otherhand, I will be equipped to make contributions to the development of China‘ssoftware sector, especially to help improve its software quality.

  A careful investigation has informed me that your university is a leadinguniversity featuring an educational system and research atmosphere far moreadvanced than those in China and boasting a number of accomplished professorswhose academic attainments are also far beyond the reach of their Chinesecounterparts. It is my belief that I will acquire the most advanced knowledge inthe field of E-commerce and software quality, the kind of knowledge that Iexploit to promote the development of China‘s own expertise. I am soberly awarethat no one can accomplish tremendous achievements in all fields, but as long asI orientate myself to one field for which I have accumulated considerableexpertise and constructed a solid groundwork, I am sure that I will attain afulfilling career out of it.

  Yours sincerely,



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