

时间:2023-08-24 06:31:04 文/张东东老师 申请书学文网www.xuewenya.com

  Dear xx,

  I hold the British physicist Hawking in great esteem in that he was able tocomplete such a great work as History of Time when he had to rely on mechanicaldevices to sustain his life and was deprived of his ability of speech. Althoughhis body was confined to a wheelchair, his mind soared freely in the boundlessuniverse. I was shocked deep in my soul. Therefore, I am convinced that themeaning of a person‘s life, transitory as it is, dwells in learning andinnovation. I keep reminding myself that the journey of life that I wish topursue should consist of incessant progress and innovation.

  Hard efforts always pay off. My industry in high school studies ended up inmy success of being admitted into ZheJiang University without being required totake entrance examination, which was itself a special honor. There, the liberalacademic atmosphere and heavy coursework effectively augmented my horizon ofknowledge and my perspective. In the first year of my undergraduate studies, asthe 150th top student out of a total of 3000 students, I was selected to studyin the "Mixed Class" which consisted of top students of the University withinter-disciplinary backgrounds. In this class, competitions were unusuallyfierce. All the basic courses including physics, general chemistry, andmathematical analysis were taught in English and all the textbooks were inEnglish. The curriculum was characterized by great diversity and the level ofdifficulty of all examinations far surpassed those administered to averagestudents, and even surpassed those in Tsinghua University and Peking University.Though the majority of students initially felt displaced and their GPAs werecorrespondingly relatively low, the scores represent more than their surfaceva lue.

  In my undergraduate studies, I chose to specialize in computer science andengineering. Having completed all the basic coursework in the first two years, Idevoted virtually all my energy to the study of computer graphics becausegraphics is one of the most important media of information as well as one of thefastest developing and most lively branch of computer science as a whole. It hasextremely wide prospect of application. The course that I liked most wasFundamentals of Data Structure in Computer because it made me realize that agood algorithm could substantially conserve the cost of resources and reduceboth the time complexity and the space complexity. This factor has encouragedresearchers to undertake continued exploration and improvement of algorithms.The thesis on Three-Dimensional Image Reconstruction that I am preparing isdesigned to improve conventional algorithm.

  At present, I am involved in a robot project being developed by ABB Company.The problem that our group face is how to transform the robot‘s visualinformation into data that can be stored and processed by the computer. In thatpart of project that I am in charge of, my work is to implement a more effectivemethod for the texture mapping module. On one hand, some of the principles andmethods in this project can be derived from 3-D reconstruction technology. Onthe other hand, I have found that many aspects in the development of theCAD/CAGD are far from mature. I hope that I can undertake further research inthis area. I believe that I will be qualified for this research because I havereceived systematic trainings in mathematics, physics, logic, and computerprogramming. In addition, I have accumulated relatively abundant practicalexperience in actual experiment operations and developed my ability to conductindependent research.

  The 3-D Reconstruction is an important subject within the general frameworkof computer graphics that has the widest application. Currently, its methodologycomprises of two major categories: dynamic reconstruction and staticreconstruction. In view of the limitations in terms of the size of the objectprocessed and the cost of processing in dynamic reconstruction, I have putforward a new algorithm based on static reconstruction, that is, the algorithmembodied in the reconstruction of a convex singly-connected 3-dimensional objectby means of 2-dimensional photos. Compared with conventional algorithm, thisalgorithm that I have designed saves more space, and is quicker in speed. Theeffect is especially salient in processing relatively large-sized real objectslike a building, rockets, space shuttles, and mountains. It is conceivable thatmy approach of reconstructing 3-D information by utilizing the 2-D geometric andtopological information of real objects will enjoy a very bright prospect ofapplication.

  Nevertheless, to translate my design concepts into reality so as to work outmany problems in graphics will be impossible without more advanced levels ofknowledge. Therefore, I apply for a high-level degree program in the Universityofxx. It is my belief that the advanced educationalsystem, stimulating academic environment, and creative ideas of research willcombine to bring into full play my active thinking and solid academicfoundation, ultimately leading to a fruitful career in the field.

  My interest of research mainly lies in the three sub-areas of ComputerScience & Engineering. Computer Graphics & Imaging Technology is myfirst choice. Apart from this field, I would also like to concentrate on twoother fields related to computer science. Naturally, Network becomes my secondchoice. Network security is becoming an increasingly important issue in computertechnology, but unfortunately the relevant technology has failed to reach highsophistication. There is much room for improvement and I see this as a possiblearea for me to achieve some sort of breakthrough in the future. I would alsolike to devote myself to Software Engineering. I have already established arelative solid foundation in this field as it is the strongest undergraduateprogram of CS Department of my university and I have already done a series ofprojects, both by myself and by group work. Such experience will also assist mein completing my degree programs satisfactorily.

  My ultimate aim is to become professionally trained and return to China withthe knowledge and expertise that I acquire from my studies abroad. By that time,I will be an expert on computer graphics to be engaged both in research and inteaching. I can solve sophisticated technical problems on one hand and impart myaccumulated theoretical knowledge to others on the other. In this way, my lifewill be made rich and meaningful.

  Yours sincerely,


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