

时间:2023-08-26 14:14:35 文/莉落老师 申请书学文网www.xuewenya.com


Dear Sir:

  I am writing to you in the hope of obtaining the scholarship in history to support my study and some research work.

  I am a graduate student in the Department of History in the Northeast University for Nationalities. In addition to study and research work, I also write books. Recently I have finished a book on the history of the Oroqen nationality in China, which is to be published by the World Book Publishing House in the coming year. I would like to focus on that field for my advanced studies.

  Enclosed please find three letters of recommendation and my resume. Thank you for your time and consideration. I look forward to your reply.

  Respectfully yours,


Dear college leaders:

  Hello, guys!

  I am Wang Zhifang, a student of Applied Chemistry Grade 11-1 in theInstitute of Chemical Technology. In the past year, I have always asked myselfto be an excellent college student, and strive to achieve all-round developmentand become an all-round college student! In the past year, I felt that I had metthe selection criteria for the second-class scholarship of our school, so I amapplying for the second-class scholarship of our school now! Now I will brieflyintroduce some of my own basic information as follows, as a reference for thereview of leaders:

  In the past academic year, I have always asked myself as an excellentcollege student, striving for all-round development and actively using all kindsof opportunities to study, because I know that China will one day be in thehands of our generation, and our college students are the main force in theconstruction of the motherland. If we dont work hard, our ancestorspainstaking efforts, Chinas future will be defeated in our hands!

  I applied to join the party soon after I started school, and always askedmyself for the code of conduct of party members. Just this year, I became aprobationary party member, and I always paid attention to some importantmeetings and decisions of the country, and enthusiastically discussed with myclassmates; As a study Committee member, I am highly effective in learning, andthe total score of academic year is among the best. After comprehensiveeva luation, I am the third in the class. In elective courses, I also finish thecourse with excellent results. Learning is the most important thing. I willalways keep sufficient motivation for learning to make greater progress!

  In life, due to poverty at home, the tuition is almost loaned, so I try tokeep frugality and try to do some part-time jobs to reduce the burden on myparents.

  I took an active part in the school community activities, and won the"Volunteer Star" in the Spring Breeze Society activities. As a member, I alsowon the excellent Communist Youth League. In life, due to poverty at home, I trymy best to save money in terms of expenses, and I dont buy anything likecomputers. I take an active part in class, school and other activities! Rememberthat the class emblem on our class uniform was designed by myself! I alsoactively cooperate with and actively participate in the work of the class, andmake my own contribution to the class collective! In my daily life, I will trymy best to help my classmates get along well with them!

  In view of the above, we will apply for the second-class scholarship of ourschool! I hope the leaders will judge, review and approve it!

  with the best wishes



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