

时间:2023-08-10 19:48:58 文/秦风学老师 名言学文网www.xuewenya.com

  1, time is the development of capacity and so on. - Marx

  2, An idle youth a needy age. An ancient poem "the sunflower in Qingqing garden"

  3, a book is a ship that crosses the sea of time. - Bacon

  4, flowers are reopened, and no one is young. - Guan Hanqing

  5. Hard bees have no time sorrow. - Black

  6, time is my property, my field is time. - Gerd

  7, rare and easy to lose. - Jia Yi

  8, time is the standard to measure the cause of the cause. - Bacon

  9, to enrich the time is happiness. - Emerson

  10, the choice of opportunity is to save time. - Bacon

  11, time is speed, time is power. - Guo Moruo

  12, time is the best friend of truth. - Colton

  13, the most wasteful is time. - Ding Zhaozhong

  14, time will rest the greatest pain. - Kelly

  15. The people who forget today will be forgotten tomorrow. - Gerd

  16, it is more than time to come. Sima Qian's history of history

  17, no time is no morality. Monson

  18, learn that too, although the time is not science. Liu An "Huainan son"

  19, do not Lanlansansan a wasted life. - Beethoven

  20, waste of time is the most extravagant and most expensive of all expenses. - Franklin

  21, do not degrade dusk, dusk is the same time as early in the morning to make a career. - Tianxiong

  22, time like a spring, can be shortened, and can be elongated. Kampuchea proverb

  23, when her husband Shineng; can walk up and down the vertical wings? Bao Zho's "difficult road"

  24, today is life, this is the power, this is the behavior, this is the creation. - Li Dazhao

  25, time is life, time is speed, time is power. - Guo Moruo

  26, the Yellow River East Sea, West River and the day off, drifting streamer, don't treat. - Li Bai

  27. Do not sigh for the years that have been eliminated, and must face up to the time of haste. - Bly Hitt

  28. According to my observation, most people come to the fore in the waste of other people's time. - Ford

  29. What should be done today is not done, and tomorrow is delayed. - Pestalozzi

  30. To do great things, the eyes should see the future, and the power needs to be used for the present. - Sidney

  The 31 time, unfortunately, the analogyallthe river is flowing, when the Expo confidential to economic achievements. - Yan Zhitui

  32. Of all the criticisms, the greatest, the most right and the most talented is the time. -.

  33, the night, when it determined man. Energy-saving, white square regret later reading. - Yan Zhenqing

  34, I would like to hold my hat on the corner, and ask the passers-by to put them in for the time. Berenson:

  35, time is money, and it is a huge sum for those who use it to calculate their interests. - Dickens

  36, time is money, Time is money. A proverb

  37, the night, is the man, energy-saving, white square regret later reading. - Yan Zhenqing

  38, many a little makes a mickle, many littles make a mickle. A few seconds, though not long, constitute a great age in the eternal river. - Fletcher

  39, time is our product by the sporadic use of the good time, will make greater achievements. - Hua Luogeng

  40. Do you love life? So don't waste time, because time is the material that makes up life. - Franklin

  41, in delay there lies no more than twenty, Li Shu, come kiss me, energy-saving, youth easy. - Shakespeare.

  42, take away all the time, Months and years pass by. will put your name, appearance, character, destiny has changed. - Platon

  43, we should observe carefully, to understand, to understand hard, to act. - Romain Rolland

  44, save time; that is, to make one's limited life more effective and extend the life of a man. - Lu Xun

  45, the best way to flow is to make good use of time, which directly affects our actual costs and profits. - Leo Burnett

  46. If the world is a stage, how much time will it take us to dress up in the dressing room. - John Erskine

  47, if you don't have the courage to stay away from the coastline and drifting on the sea for a long time, you must never find the new world. - Ji De

  48, time has come, at all times the world's most evil Jewish enemy, at least to let them stop the role for one thousand years. - Hitler

  49, the world really don't know how many can accomplish great people, because of the rare time lightly that unknown to the public. - Maupassant

  50, an honest man can take a long time to see it out, and a bad man can recognize it in a day. - Alfonso Fochler J


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