

时间:2023-08-16 18:04:36 文/莉落老师 励志学文网www.xuewenya.com


  Michael Jordan's Retired Speech


  I am here to announce my retirement from the game of basketball. It won't be another announcement to baseball or anything to that nature.


  Mentally, I'm exhausted; I don't feel I have a challenge. Physically, I feel great. The last time in 1993 I had other agendas. I felt that I wanted to play baseball and I felt that at my age, it was a good opportunity and time to do it. And with the death of my father, and I was basically trying to deal with that.


  Actually I talked to very last year once the season ended and I told Jerry at that time, mentally, I was a little exhausted. I didn't know if I would play next year. I wanted to put him on awareness so that he could possibly prepare going into next season. And very, once we had our conversation, wanted me to take time as I did in 93 to make sure that it was the right decision because it was going to be the final decision.


  I retired the first time when Phil Jackson was the coach. And I think that even with Phil being the coach I would have had a tough time , mentally finding the challenge for myself. I though he can somehow present challenges for me. I don't know if he could have presented the challenge for me to continue on to this season. Even though middle way of this season I wanted to continue to play a couple more years, but at the end of this season I was mentally drained and tired. 50 I can't say that he would have restored that.

  第一次退役时菲尔.杰克逊是教练。但我觉得即使本赛季他还担任教练,我也会很困难,内心里 ,我已感到了挑战。当然克论如何,他都会给我一些应对方洁的我不知道他是否还有办法使我打完这一赛季。在本赛季中间我还想着再打几年呢,但当赛季结束时,我却感觉精神枯竭,疲惫。因此我确实不能说他会使我恢复精力。

  I will support the Chicago Bulls. I think the game itself is a lot bigger than Michael Jordan. I've been given an opportunity by people before me, to name a few, Kareem Abdul Jabbar, Doctor J, Eljohn Baylor Jerry West. These guys played the game way before Michael Jordan was born and Michael Jordan came on the heels of all that activity. Mr. Stern and what he's done for the league, gave me an opportunity to play the game of basketball I played it to the best I could play it, I tried to enhance the game itself. I've tried to be the best basketball player that I could be.

  我将支持芝加哥公牛队,我认为比赛本身比迈克尔.乔丹重要得多。我的很多机会都是篮球前辈们给的。我这里指出一些:里姆·阿卡杜·贾巴尔,J博士,伊利约翰 ·贝勒,杰里 ·韦斯特这些人早在迈克尔.乔丹出生前就活跃在赛场了。迈克尔.乔丹只不过是继承了他们的传统。斯特恩先生及其为联盟做出的贡献给了我打蓝球的机会。找已尽我最大能力打球,我也努力拉动比赛本身的发展。我一直在努力,尽我所能成为最好的球员。


  Welcome to Germany---German Chancellor's Greetings to FIFA 2006


  There are many dimensions to football's allure and appeal: top-class moves, thrilling goals, majestic star players, thunderous encounters and passionate fans. Football stirs the emotions all over the globe, brings people from contrasting cultures together, and promotes solid virtues such as fairness, team spirit and tolerance. All these facets will emerge in their most intense form at the 2006 FIFA World Cup in Germany next summer.

  足球的魅力是多方面的:高质量的比赛、激动人心的.进球、神奇的球星、残酷的遭遇战、热情的球迷。足球激发了全球的热情,把不同文化背景的人们集合在一起,弘扬了公平、团队精神和宽容等诸多美德。所有的这些方面都会在2006 FIFA德国世界杯上强烈地表现出来。

  Millions of people will be transfixed by this unique festival of sport and friendship. We are thoroughly looking forward ro football of the highest quality. We're delighted to welcome the biggest names in the sport as well as those nations set to appear at the finals for the first time. And we're looking forward to greeting fans from all over the world as they fill our cities with even more colour and life A heartfelt welcome to everyone!


  Germany is a cosmopolitan country with a passion for football. The people will devote themselves to the job of ensuring the 2006 FJFA World Cup is an unforgettable experience, a fact demonstrated by the thousands of ordinary folk who have come forward as volunteers.

  德国是一个充满了足球激情的大国。人们忘我地工作,以确保2006 FIFA世界杯成为一次难忘的经历,事实上,成千上万的普通百姓成为了志愿者。

  Germany is well prepared to host the FJFA World Cup. We have finished constructing our new, modern stadiums and an outstanding transportation infrastructure. The organization is in the enormously capable hands of the Organizing Committee headed by Franz Beckenbauer. The slogan "A time to make friends" perfectly describes our intention to ensure everyone revels in a secure and peaceful festival of football.


  The FIFA World Cup is a unique opportunity for Germany to present herself as a hospitable, joyful and modern nation bursting with ideas. I am convinced that the flames of passion and togetherness engendered by the FIFA World Cup in Germany will spread to the entire world.


  I'm personally looking forward to a festival of goals, excitement and fair play. We Germans will be right behind our national team, but our aim is to act as welcoming hosts and friends to every team and their fans. Passionate and cosmopolitan Germany is delighted to welcome visitors to the 2006 FIFA World Cup.

  我个人希望,这是一次进球、激情和公平竞赛的节日。我们德国人当然坚定支持自己国家队,但是,我们的目标是当好热情的东道主和每支球队及其球迷的朋友。充满热情、敞开怀抱的德国热烈欢迎所有参与2006 FIFA世界杯足球赛的朋友们。


  James Cameron: Failure is an Option, but Fear is not


  And you know, along the way in this journey of discovery, I learned a lot. I learned a lot about science. But I also learned a lot about leadership. Now you think director has got to be a leader, leader of, captain of the ship, and all that sort of thing.


  I didn't really learn about leadership until I did these expeditions. Because I had to, at a certain point, say, "What am I doing out here? Why am I doing this? What do I get out of it?" We don't make money at these damn shows. We barely break even. There is no fame in it. People sort of think I went away between "Titanic" and "Avatar" and was buffing my nails someplace, sitting at the beach. Made all these films, made all these documentary films for a very limited audience.


  No fame, no glory, no money. What are you doing? You're doing it for the task itself, for the challenge---and the ocean is the most challenging environment there is, for the thrill of discovery, and for that strange bond that happens when a small group of people form a tightly knit team. Because we would do these things with 10-12 people working for years at a time. Sometimes at sea for 2-3 months at a time.


  And in that bond, you realize that the most important thing is the respect that you have for them and that they have for you, that you've done a task that you can't explain to someone else. When you come back to the shore and you say, "We had to do this, and the fiber optic, and the attenuation, and this and that all the technology of it, and the difficulty, the human performance aspects of working at sea, you can't explain it to people. It's that thing that maybe cops have, or people in combat that have gone through something together and they know they can never explain it. Creates a bond, creates a bond of respect."



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