

时间:2023-08-27 20:24:09 文/莉落老师 朗诵稿学文网www.xuewenya.com


  If I could save time in a bottle

  the first thing that i d like to do

  is to save every day until eternity passes away

  just to spend them with you

  if I could make days last forever

  if words could make wishes come true

  Id save every day like a treasure and then

  again I would spend them with you


  Love is like the wild rose-briar;

  Friendship like the holly-tree

  The holly is dark when the rose-briar blooms

  But which will bloom most constantly?

  The wild rose-briar is sweet in spring,

  Its summer blossoms scent the air;

  Yet wait till winter comes again,

  And who will call the wild-bria

  Then, scorn the silly rose-wreath now

  And deck thee with holly

  That, when December blights thy brow

  He still may leave thy garland green



  Love is more thicker than forget

  More thinner than recall

  More seldom than a wave is wet

  More frequent than to fail

  It is most mad and moonly

  And less it shall unbe

  Than all the sea which only

  Is deeper than the sea

  Love is less always than to win

  Less never than alive

  Less bigger than the least begin

  Less littler than forgive

  It is most sane and sunly

  And more it cannot die

  Than all the sky which only

  Is higher than the sky


  Thank you for comfotting me when Im sad

  Loving me when Im mad

  Picking me up when Im down

  Thank you for being my friend and being around

  Teaching me the meaning of love

  Encouraging me when I need a shove

  But most of all thank you for

  Loving me for who I am.


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