
小学二年级英语课文 Lesson 10原文

时间:2023-08-27 05:27:38 文/莉落老师 课文学文网www.xuewenya.com

小学二年级英语课文 Lesson 10原文

  小学二年级英语课文 Lesson 10

  Listen, point and find "Happy new year!"

  Happy new year!

  Happy new year! Come in !

  A present for you .

  Thank you.

  What are these?

  They're dumplings. We eat dumplings at Chinese new year.

  mmm. I like dumplings!

  Are these for my hair?

  No, they're not. They're firecrackers!

  We have firecrackers at new year!

  Ahhh! Happy new year!

  Listen and say.

  Happy new year!

  We eat dumplings at Chinese new year.


  Listen and point ,Then ask adn answer.

  What do you do at Chinese New Year?

  Listen and repeat.

  In England, we have Christmas. Christmas is in winter.

  We have Christmas trees and Christmas presents.

  We have a big dinner and sing songs.

  Listen and say. They sing.

  Listen and say. Then chant.

  Y Is for yellow

  And for you

  Z Is for zebra

  A zebra in the zoo.

  Listen , repeat and trace the letters.


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