Instead of reducing your expenses, try to increase your income. Thats why you work hard.
To live is to open roads in mountains and build bridges in waters. Life, you give me pressure, I also you miracle!
在人生的道路上,从来没有全身而退,坐享其成,不劳而获一说。你不努力,就得出局。On the road of life, never retreat from the whole body, enjoy its achievements and get something for nothing. If you dont work hard, youre out.
Dont be afraid to shoot a single horse. What about being alone and brave? You can cry all the way, but you cant be angry. You have to go through the days when nobody cares about it to welcome applause and flowers.
Be as eager to succeed as a drowning person is to breathe, and dont slacken off for a second, or what do you think youre going to win.
All good things come to an end. Choose a gesture to make your life irreplaceable. There is no so-called luck, only absolute effort.
Choose a distance for your dream, there is no way back. So, either die in the battle or return home in awkwardness.
Exercise when you are in bad shape, and try to earn when you have no money. Dont turn your embarrassment on others. The only thing you can complain about is yourself who doesnt work hard enough.
Dont worry about the vague future, just strive for the clear present.
Dream perseverance is doomed to loneliness and hesitation, because there is no lack of other peoples doubts and ridicule, but then what, even if all over the bruises, also want to live beautifully!
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