
春节的由来英语 春节的由来是什么

时间:2023-08-24 05:13:30 文/李盛老师 经验学文网www.xuewenya.com

1、The lunar calendar new year origin, which has the basis, also is rich and owns the various fables possible to trace to several millenniums before; The most famous is the year beast fable. The year beast is a cruel terrible wild animal. In ancient times people believed on lunar New Years Eve night the year beast would come out to eat humans. According to the fable, the year beast extremely fears red, the flame and noises, so people pasted the red paper on the gate, and lit the torch all night, and set off the artillery candles to frighten the year beast. To the early morning the following day, in the air filled the sound congratulations , the victory of defeating the year beast and the rebirth joy.



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