
神探夏洛克经典台词 神探夏洛克电影的经典台词

时间:2023-08-20 18:15:22 文/秦风学老师 经验学文网www.xuewenya.com

The wheel turns, nothing is ever new.时过境迁,烂事依然。

You, dont talk out loud.You lower the IQ of the whole street.You, face the other way. You are putting me off.你,不要说话,你拉低了整条街的智商。你,转过去,你影响我思考了。

All lives end,all hearts are broken.Caring is not an advantage!生命终有尽头,人心终要破碎,太在意可不是什么优点!

Love is a dangerous disadvantage.爱是种危险的劣势。

Every fairy tale needs a good old-fashioned villain.每个童话都需要一个经典大反派。

You want to hide a tree, then a forest is the best place to do it.如果想隐藏一棵树,森林就是绝佳的地点。

The problem of your past is your business, the problem of your future is my privilege.你的过去我来不及参与,你的未来我奉陪到底。

I wont insult your intelligence by explaining it to you.我就不给你解释了,省得说我侮辱你智商。

Ordinary people fill their heads with all kinds of rubbish.That makes it hard to get at the stuff that matters. Do you see?  普通人让自己的脑中装满垃圾,所以学习有用的东西就很难。你发现了吗?

Bravery is by far the kindest word of stupidity, dont you think? ----Mycroft勇敢是愚蠢最好的代替词,你不这么认为吗?”

Sentiment is a chemical defect found in the losing side.感情用事是失败者的生理缺陷。

I dont have friends.Ive just got one.我没有朋友,身边只有你。

Most people... blunder round this city, and all they see are streets and shops and cars.When you walk with Sherlock Holmes, you see the battlefield.这城市大多人都庸庸碌碌,眼中只有繁华街肆、车来人往。与夏洛克?福尔摩斯同行,你却能看到战场。

I cant turn it on and off like a tap.聪明又不像水龙头可以开关。

Brainy is the new sexy.智慧是性感的新潮流。


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