

时间:2023-08-20 09:12:32 文/孙小飞老师 教案学文网www.xuewenya.com


  The Sixth Perid Integrating sills

  Teaching gals

  1. Target language

  1. D se reading and learn abut ec-travel.

  2. D se writing and learn t write travel letters.

  2. Abilities:

  Train the students' reading and writing abilit.

  Teaching e pints: Get the students t understand the iprtance f ec-travel and iprve the reading abilit.

  Teaching ethds:

  1. Fast reading t g thrugh the reading aterial.

  2. Discussin t finish the writing tas.

  3. Individual, pair r grup wr t ae ever student wr in class.

  Teaching Aids: a ulti-edia r

  Teaching Prcedures:

  StepⅠ. Lead-in

  StepⅡ. Waring-up (多媒体展示ulti-edia slides shw)

  StepⅢ. Speaing Tea wr /grup wr.

  StepⅣ. Language pints

  1. Ec-travel is a fr f travel that cbines nral turis and learning.

  2. Nral travel is sipl fr pleasure and is ften bad fr the envirnent while ec-travel is a wa f traveling respnsibl t prtect the envirnent and f finding ut what can be dne t help anials and plants as well as peple.

  Step Ⅴ. Hewr / Classwr

  根据以下提示,以travel 为题写一篇80字左右的'短文

  1 当工作累了时,你可以旅游,领略大自然的美丽,呼吸新鲜空气,还可以交友。

  2 有时旅游也会有烦恼,天气多变,有时可能被雨淋。

  3 旅游时应准备充分,了解天气情况,有个旅伴可以互相照应,避免出事。


  Travel is a ver gd activit. When u’re fed up with ur wr r stud, and when u’re free, u can g t a beautiful place t en the beaut f nature. u can breathe fresh air and ae se friends. But seties, it is nt a gd thing. The weather ften changes. u a be caught in the rain and a catch a cld while traveling. Therefre, u shuld prepare urself carefull befre the trip. u’d better find a cpanin s that u can help each ther and a avid accidents.


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