
四年级上册《Hello again》教案范文

时间:2023-08-25 08:14:49 文/秦风学老师 教案学文网www.xuewenya.com

四年级上册《Hello again》教案范文


  Look and say & Ask and answer


  1.Basic aims:

  a. Using verbs to describe actions. e.g. paint, read

  b. Using interrogatives to ask ‘yes/no’ -questions to obtain simple responses. e.g. Can you swim?

  c. Using modals to talk about ability. e.g. Yes, I can. / No, I can’t.

  2 .Developing aims:

  a. Asking about ability.

  b. Do a survey in class.

  3.Education aims:

  Talking about ability to establish friendly relations with your classmates.


  pictures, word cards, cassette player,



  1. Song

  2. Responding to simple instructions e.g. Sing a song. Draw a circle. Pre-task


  1. Revision Invite individual students to come

  2.Presentation to the board and choose a Picture Card and mime whether they can do or can’t do a particular action.

  The rest of the class say: He/She can/can’t… Invite individual students to stand up.

  Point to the pictures and ask: Can you …?

  And prompt them to use: Yes, I can. /No, I can’t. to answer your questions.

  三、While-task procedure

  (1) Introduce: paint

  1. Introduce: paint by miming a painting action, and then stick the Word and Picture Cards on the board.

  2. Read the word with action.

  3. Ask individual students: Can you paint? to elicit: Yes, I can./No, I can’t,

  4. Ask and answer in pairs.

  (2)Introduce: read

  1. Draw a picture on the board. Ask: What can she do? to elicit: She can read.

  2. Read the word in different voices.

  3. Ask individual students: Can you read? What can you read? to elicit: I can read English/a story.

  (3) Listen and say

  1. Play the cassette: Look and say. Students listen.

  2. Play the cassette again. The students follow in their books and, in groups of four, practice the dialogue.

  3. Invite individuals to read the dialogue to the class.

  四、Post-task activities


  1. Show a photo album. Tell students that it is your album. Encourage them to ask about your photograph using ‘Can you …?’ 2. Students work in pairs using the pictures in Ask and answer to find out what their partner can and cannot do.

  3. Do a survey: Ask students to walk around the class and interview three to five classmates. Students are to find their classmates who can or cannot do a certain thing. Invite individual students to report back to the class.


  1. Complete Workbook page two.

  2. Write about your ability using ‘I can…’


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