

时间:2023-08-20 09:15:02 文/张东东老师 教案学文网www.xuewenya.com




  A: Hell! Can I help u?

  B: es, I want a sweater fr daughter, please.

  A: Hw abut this ne?

  B: Oh, gd. The size is O.

  C: Mu, I dn't lie the clur.

  A: D u lie this purple ne?

  C: Cl! That's favurite clur.

  B: Hw uch is it?

  A: Sixt-eight uan.

  B: Here's the ne.

  A: Thans.

  size 尺寸;大小

  purple 紫色的

  cl 棒的


  1. 能听懂、会说本篇对话;

  2. 能运用会话中的句型进行扩展性的情景会话;

  3. 能听懂、会说新单词:purple, size, cl。








  Step 1. Greetings

  T: Gd rning, bs and girls. glad t eet u.

  Step 2. Presentatin

  (1) Lead-in

  T: u nw, I' new here. I thught it wuld be ht in Zhuha.But tda it is cld. I' ust in a bluse.

  Nw I' feeling a little cld. S I want t g shpping and bu se war clthes. (Read the title "shipping".)

  (2) Pla a guessing gae (:显示屏上出现一些碎片,碎片慢慢扩大,变成一件毛衣)

  T: What a I ging t bu? What d I want? ust guess and sa: "Ou want ..."


  T= the teacher C= the cputer Ss= the studentsC: Can I help u?

  (Learn t sa:"Can I helpu?")

  T: I want a sweater, sir.

  C: Hw abut this ne? (:售货员拿出一件很大的毛衣。)

  T: I thin it's t big.

  C: Hw abut this ne? (:售货员拿出一件很小的.毛衣。)

  T:Hw abut this ne? What d u thin?

  Ss:It's t sall.

  C: Hw abut this ne? (:售货员拿出一件对教师来说大小合适的毛衣。)

  (Learn t sa:"Hw abut...?")

  T: I thin the size is O. D u thin s?


  (Learn t sa:"size".)

  (Read after the teacher:"The size is O.")

  T: The size is O, sir. but I dn't lie this clur.

  C: What's ur favurite clur?

  T: What's favurite clur is


  (Learn t sa:"purple".)

  T: (tae ut a purple sweater)I lie this purple sweater.

  (4) Pla a gae: Guess the price f the sweater.

  Ss: Hw uch is it?

  S1 : ...uan.

  (If the price S1 guess is t lw, the teacher will sa:"Up, up, up."; if t high, the teacher will sa:'' Dwn, dwn, dwn." Each students has three chances t guess.)

  After the students guess the price right, the teacher puts n the purple sweater and ass the students "A I cl?"

  (Leatn t sa:"Cl".)

  Step 3. Practice

  (1)Listen t the dialgue.

  T: What have u heard in the dialgue?

  (2)Listen t the dialgue and repeat it sentence b sentence.

  (3)Pratice in grups f three.

  Step 4 Cnslidatin

  (1)Divide all the students int 5 grups: statiner's, t shp, clthes shp, fruit shp and fd shp. Put se gds in each shp. Get the students t d the shpping in grups. (每组由一名学生当售货员,其它学生充当顾客。)

  (2)As the students t g t different shps and bu different things. (把全班分成五个组,即五个“商店”,顾客可以到任



  Step 5 Ending

  The students sing a sng "Gd-be."


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