
幼儿园中班英语教案《Rain on》

时间:2023-08-23 20:46:23 文/李盛老师 教案学文网www.xuewenya.com


  1、在小花园情境中,体验雨点,落在身上、花草上的乐趣,愿意用Rain on …进行大胆表达。






  1、问好:say hello to the teachers./welcome./give you a kiss.

  2、Let’s ride in our cars.here we go.(开到花园前部)

  3、Here’s a gardenIs it nice?—very nice/very beautiful.

  4、Let me show you around it. Follow me.what’s this?/what do you see?

  (渗透what colour is it?和环境中的flowerbear等打招呼)

  5、Now let’s have a rest.sit down,please.


  1、The spring is coming,and the weather is very changeable. who can tell me what’s the weather like?(出示教具,幼儿说说天气。集体—个别)

  2、today I bring you a piece of music.while enjoying it,let’s guess what’s the weather like. Listen.音乐(round round the garden.)

  第一遍:猜天气(集体—个别)what’s the weather like?

  第二、三遍:唱歌(渗透和环境打招呼/fly. Jump. run)Stop.listen.音乐(下雨的声音)what’s the weather like? Do you like rainy ?(集体—个别)Some of you say “yeah.i like it.”some of you say“no .i don’t like it.” But I think little Johnny doesn’t like rainy day.because he say“rain rain go away……” It’s rainy,let’s go home.

  三、学习rain on…

  1、look, what’s this?—it’s rain.教师演示rain on me. Do you want to play with the rain?you can say:rain on me. Where isyour shoes?raise your shoes.rain on the shoes. Where isyour hands?raise your hands.rain on the hands.oh, it’s very funny. Rain rain ,fly fly fly. Rain on the flower/bear.(集体—个别)

  2、Do you want to try?everyone can take one.(轻快的音乐伴奏)幼儿说说rain on


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