

时间:2023-08-17 11:37:50 文/阿林老师 公文学文网www.xuewenya.com


  美国总统大选虽然尘埃落定,川普政权正在成形,但其提名的一些政府高官人选仍然引起了广泛的争议。11月29日,麻省理工学院300余名教授发表公开信,A message from MIT faculty reaffirming our shared values, 对川普内阁成员人选提出强烈质疑,声明捍卫共享的普世价值。11月30日,公开信在麻省理工学院更大的范围内征集签名。截止美东时间12月1日傍晚,北京时间12月2日早晨,已经有500余名麻省理工师生员工联署公开信。



  A message from MIT faculty reaffirming our shared values


  The President-elect has appointed individuals to positions of power who have endorsed racism, misogyny and religious bigotry, and denied the widespread scientific consensus on climate change. Regardless of our political views, these endorsements violate principles at the core of MIT’s mission. At this time, it is important to reaffirm the values we hold in common.





  We, the undersigned faculty at MIT, thus affirm the following principles:

  We unconditionally reject every form of bigotry, discrimination, hateful rhetoric, and hateful action, whether directed towards one’s race, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, religion, national origin, disability, citizenship, political views, socioeconomic status, veteran status, or immigration status.

  We endorse MIT’s values of open, respectful discourse and exchange of ideas from the widest variety of intellectual, religious, class, cultural, and political perspectives.

  We uphold the principles of the scientific method, of fact- and reason-based objective inquiry. Science is not a special interest; it is not optional. Science is a foundational ingredient in how we as a society analyze, understand, and solve the most difficult challenges that we face.

  任何麻省理工学院的成员,如果感受到恐惧和被压制,我们的大门永远敞开,随时准备提供帮助。我们也将和麻省理工社区所有成员协同合作 -- 包括学生、教授、职员、博士后、以及管理人员 -- 在今天,以及未来,捍卫这些原则。

  For any member of our community who may feel fear or oppression, our doors are open and we are ready to help. We pledge to work with all members of the community – students, faculty, staff, postdoctoral researchers, and administrators – to defend these principles today and in the times ahead.


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