

时间:2023-08-19 06:41:51 文/秦风学老师 读书学文网www.xuewenya.com


  When I read the novel Tess of the D’Urbervilles ten years ago for the first time,I was merely shocked by Tess’s miserable and tragic fate.What a lovely and kind girl!She did nothing wrong but she had to bear all these adversities that she didn’t deserve.At that time I was just a naive little girl in junior high school.

  Now reviewing this famous novel again,I realize that there is still much to be found and thought about in it.Great as Hardy is,he definitely wanted to tell readers more than a tragic story purely.

  Tess was the eldest daughter of her family and she had no choice but to bear the responsibility of rallying her family and repaying the debts.She was beautiful,innocent and pure without big ambition or desire for things that didn’t belong to her.Nobody ever doubted that she deserved happiness and peace.

  But things seldom go on as we expected.Tess was deprived of virginity and she was no longer‘pure’as she used to be.What’s worse,she got pregnant as a result.Tess gave birth to the baby and decided to raise the baby all by herself.At that time,she showed her admirable qualities—being tough and decisive.We all hope that she can start a brand new life and cut off all contact with the past after her baby’s death.However,for the second and third time,God cheated and mocked her.

  Sometimes I wonder why a nice woman couldn’t end up with a nice man.Is it just like the saying that beautiful women suffer unhappy fates?Tess always missed her Mr.right and her Mr.wrong always disturbed her life and wouldn’t let her go.All the three person misunderstand what’s love.Alec thought love to be deprival and occupation;Angel thought love to be purity and ideal;Tess thought love to be toleration and waiting.They stuck in their illusion of love of which they never managed to get out.Alec and Tess was dead.As for Angel,he might as well be dead.

  Who is to blame for this tragedy?Alec,Tess or Angel?Or ridiculous fate?I believe it was Tess herself.Certainly,that bad age and those hypocritical men were executioners that push Tess into the abyss of destruction.But Tess should have led a better life if she don’t treat herself as a satellite of men.How stupid is she to spend her life waiting for a man who betrayed her and escaped away when she was dying for help!When there is no help offered by men,women should fight on their own instead of waiting for men’s mercy and forgiveness since there is nothing needed to be forgiven.

  Women’s tragedy will never come to an end until they treat themselves as totally independent,which means they can lead a normal life with or without men.


  She was seduced by a so-called gentleman—Alec, and from then on her life totally changed from this loss of innocence. People looked down on her and respected her no more. Actually she did nothing wrong because before she was seduced she knew nothing of men. She was just a girl when she first met that terrible man.

  She was forced by the gossips and the church to blame herself for this accident, so she thought she deserved nothing good. In order to get rid of the past she decided to go to a distant dairy farm but was still saying to herself that she was wrong. Maybe God didn’t agree with that, because the Lord gave her someone she loved with her whole heart and life—Angel Chare. Angel popped the question to her but she refused him without saying why. She said she loved him deeply and perhaps no one in the world could love him more than she did but she could not marry him for some unspoken reason. Angel wasn’t satisfied with this vague answer and did his best to win Tess. Somehow she agreed and they soon fixed the wedding day. Soon after their wedding Angel confessed the crime he committed to a woman long time ago and asked for Tess’s forgiveness. Tess was not at all angry and forgave Angel at once; in fact she was rather happy and excited for she also had things to confess.

  She sat and told everything to Angel, hoping he would forgive her as he was forgiven but she was wrong. She was not forgiven, not as she thought she was. The woman pays.

  Without Angel’s love, nothing meant anything to her. The result wasn’t important now. Tess was arrested for her murder of that so-called gentleman. Why? She still loved Angel and when he finally went back to her and asked for HER forgiveness, after he regretted what he had done unfair to Tess, she was desperate. That was too late—Alec had always told Tess that Angel would never come back so he won Tess’s trust. Unluckily Angel did come back and found Tess.! Everything was too late!

  Tess was deceived and she lost Angel for the second time! The strengh of her love was so strong that she had forgotten the difference between right and wrong. Before that she had done nothing wrong but when she killed Alec, everything really changed! She became a criminal! How could it be? She was as pure and innocent as the good wife in the Bible. Her whole character was honest and faithful. Angel figured out at last that a person should be judged not only on what he has done but also on what he wanted to do!

  Tess didn’t want to be seduced by man and she had no power to defend herself so she lost her innocence and that’s all! Angel also did the wrong thing and it was even more serious than Tess’s crime but HE was not blamed for it. Why it is always the woman who pays? Why they are always hurt? Why was Tess’s girlish purity lost? Why does the wrong man take the wrong woman? Why do the bad often ruin the good? Why is beauty damaged by ugliness? Women are too weak! Thousands of years of history have shown us that women have always been treated unfairly!

  In old China there was a culture, which didn’t think of women as human beings. If you asked one if he was the oldest in his family, he would probably answer “the oldest one” even if he had some elder sisters. If you asked why then he would say, “Ha, they are not included!”

  People gave birth to many girls in order to have only one boy to keep the family name going. They thought girls had no use for the family. They would be married and go to live with their husbands’ home and be their wives some day sooner or later. So they were extremely hard on girls.

  Girls should be hard working, faithful, loyal, intelligent, and virtuous and the most important thing was she must be a maiden! If her husband was the first man who touched her then she was a good girl, a good wife no matter how she thought. If she wasn’t, then she would gain a very bad reputation and nobody would dare to go near her. What about men? People did not care whether he was an experienced man or not, nor did they care about his character. They thought man equals power and power equals rights…

  Now let’s not be so bitter. Nowadays women’s situations have become much better. Some are because of the change of society and some are because of civilization. Just let those poor painful women like TESS be just a memory.

  德伯家的苔丝介绍:Tess of the d'Urbervilles

  On an evening in the latter part of May a middle-aged man was walking homeward from Shaston to the village of Marlott, in the adjoining Vale of Blakemore or Blackmoor. The pair of legs that carried him were rickety, and mere was a bias in his gait which inclined him somewhat to the left of a straight line. He occasionally gave a smart nod, as if in confirmation of some opinion, though he was not thinking of anything in particular. An empty egg一basket was slung upon his arm, the nap of his hat was ruffled, a patch being quite worn away at its brim where his thumb came in taking it off. Presently he was met by an elderly parson astride on a gray mare, who, as he rode, hummed a wandering tune. "Good night t' ee,”said the man with the basket.


  ESS is really a tragic figure in the book TESS of the d’Urberwilles.

  She was seduced by a so-called gentleman-Alec, and from then on her life totally changed from this loss of innocence. People looked down on her and respected her no more. Actually she did nothing wrong because before she was seduced she knew nothing of men. She was just a girl when she first met that terrible man.

  She was forced by the gossips and the church to blame herself for this accident, so she thought she deserved nothing good. In order to get rid of the past she decided to go to a distant dairy farm but was still saying to herself that she was wrong. Maybe God didn’t agree with that, because the Lord gave her someone she loved with her whole heart and life-Angel Chare. Angel popped the question to her but she refused him without saying why. She said she loved him deeply and perhaps no one in the world could love him more than she did but she could not marry him for some unspoken reason. Angel wasn’t satisfied with this vague answer and did his best to win Tess. Somehow she agreed and they soon fixed the wedding day. Soon after their wedding Angel confessed the crime he committed to a woman long time ago and asked for Tess’s forgiveness. Tess was not at all angry and forgave Angel at once; in fact she was rather happy and excited for she also had things to confess.

  She sat and told everything to Angel, hoping he would forgive her as he was forgiven but she was wrong. She was not forgiven, not as she thought she was. The woman pays.

  Without Angel’s love, nothing meant anything to her. The result wasn’t important now. Tess was arrested for her murder of that so-called gentleman. Why? She still loved Angel and when he finally went back to her and asked for HER forgiveness, after he regretted what he had done unfair to Tess, she was desperate. That was too late-Alec had always told Tess that Angel would never come back so he won Tess’s trust. Unluckily Angel did come back and found Tess.! Everything was too late!

  Tess was deceived and she lost Angel for the second time! The strengh of her love was so strong that she had forgotten the difference between right and wrong. Before that she had done nothing wrong but when she killed Alec, everything really changed! She became a criminal! How could it be? She was as pure and innocent as the good wife in the Bible. Her whole character was honest and faithful. Angel figured out at last that a person should be judged not only on what he has done but also on what he wanted to do!

  Tess didn’t want to be seduced by man and she had no power to defend herself so she lost her innocence and that’s all! Angel also did the wrong thing and it was even more serious than Tess’s crime but HE was not blamed for it. Why it is always the woman who pays? Why they are always hurt? Why was Tess’s girlish purity lost? Why does the wrong man take the wrong woman? Why do the bad often ruin the good? Why is beauty damaged by ugliness? Women are too weak! Thousands of years of history have shown us that women have always been treated unfairly!

  In old China there was a culture, which didn’t think of women as human beings. If you asked one if he was the oldest in his family, he would probably answer “the oldest one” even if he had some elder sisters. If you asked why then he would say, “Ha, they are not included!”

  People gave birth to many girls in order to have only one boy to keep the family name going. They thought girls had no use for the family. They would be married and go to live with their husbands’ home and be their wives some day sooner or later. So they were extremely hard on girls.

  Girls should be hard working, faithful, loyal, intelligent, and virtuous and the most important thing was she must be a maiden! If her husband was the first man who touched her then she was a good girl, a good wife no matter how she thought. If she wasn’t, then she would gain a very bad reputation and nobody would dare to go near her. What about men? People did not care whether he was an experienced man or not, nor did they care about his character. They thought man equals power and power equals rights…

  Now let’s not be so bitter. Nowadays women’s situations have become much better. Some are because of the change of society and some are because of civilization. Just let those poor painful women like TESS be just a memory.


  The book, Tess of the d' Urbervilles, is a tragic of a pure and poor girl. When I put down this book, I was in tears. I just wanted to ask, Angel, why did you treat her like this?

  I could imagine such a terrible night when Tess lost her way in a dark and silent wood. The What she faced was a strong man and she hadn' t known how dangerous the man could be. She was so weak that she was unable to resist him. No one could come up in time to help her. Eventually, beauty was damaged by ugliness. Why did the wrong man take the wrong woman? Angel, it was the time you saved her but where were you at that time? The Maybe as the old saying said" It was to be". The Then it was the start of Tess’s tragic.

  The social rule made her feel guilty and want to die. Unfortunately, her father just thought that she brought shame upon his noble name. No one could comfort her broken heart except herself. She kept all the people out her house and stayed alone and wanted to do heavy things to forget her past. The I was very happy to see that she knew such a thing shouldn’t prevent her from living an useful life. It was previous for her to have the courage to continue her life.

  When Tess fell in love with Angel, the she tried to hide her love because she thought she hadn' t had the right to get true love. But Angel, the man who loved her deeply, conquered her. However, when Tess told him her dismal past with great care, he couldn’t understand her and at last, he left her. So poor was Tess that when she wanted to be understood and forgave , she was pushed to abysm by the person she loved deeply .It was like adding more salt to the hurts of a broken heart. She was pious to everything about Angel. she could remember every sentence he said, and she learned to sing the songs he was fond of. Even when she was hurt by him, she didn’t hate him. When Angel was walking in sleep, she could choose to fall into the river to die with him but she didn’t do that because she knew she had no right to take his life. You can image how kind a girl she was.

  Her love was great, unselfish and pure .The real purity came from her mind, not her appearance .Even if she was a ordinary and plain girl ,I thought Angel would love her as well. When Angel was reminded that “Tess would have laid down her life for you”,he suddenly realized his prejudice and narrowness .But it was too late. Tess was already in deep desperation and became Alec’s wife. When she realized she was cheated by Alec again, she was full of anger. She came to the end of her endurance so she killed Alec d’Urberville, the person who damaged her happiness for life.

  They spent the last five day together .It was the most previous period during their life because Tess was going to be sentenced to death several days later. If Angel were brave enough to accept Tess’s past, they would live a happy life now. But he didn’t cherish Tess’s true love until he lost it forever. It was already useless for him to regret. Late, too late!

  If you love a person deeply,then to accept his or her past, or you ’ll lose your true love for life. That’s the experience I learnt from the book.


  About Thomas Hardy

  Thomas Hardy (1840---1928), who is an English novelist。 His father is a stoneworker, who is fond of music。 His parents thought much of the education of their son。 He grown up in the Dorset shire, so the environment of there became the main backdrop of his writings。 His writings often reflecting the change after capitalism intrude the countries in England and the people’s hard life。

  At first, Hardy wrote some novels, and in his old age, he worked on poets。 The novel < Tess of the D'Urbervilles > was published in the year 1891。 Thomas Hardy facing the terror of the war and propagating the love-kindness, he is one of the greatest English writers。

  The summary of the book

  As is known to all, is the most famous novel of Thomas Hardy。 Tess es from a farmer’s family, the Durbeyfields。 One day her father, John Durbeyfied learns that they are descended from the D’Urbervilles, an ancient family。 Her mother urges Tess to claim kinship with the remaining D’Urbervilles, so that Tess could marry a gentleman。 Unwillingly, the girl es in contact with the Stoke, D’Urbervilles。 There she meets Alec D’Urbervilles。 Having received a job of tending to chickens, Tess stays in the D’Urbervilles。 Before long the rich but guileful Alec manages to seduce the girl and make her pregnant。 Being humiliated and resolute, Tess returns home, and gives birth to the child, who is called Sorrow but dies soon 。 Without financial support, Tess has to leave home and goes to work at a distant farm, where she meets Angel Claire。 After Angel persistent pursuit of Tess, the two fall in love。 In the wedding night, Tess admits about Alec D’Urbervilles and the child。 She begs for forg

  iveness, but Angel leaves her in disgust。 Tess again returns home alone, only find that her family remains impoverished and she even has no place to stay。 In the meantime, Alec D’Urbervilles appears again。 He promises to support her family, only as a means to make Tess dependent。 At the end of hope, the girl jumps into the trap of the shameless man。 However, Angel Claire, who is remorseful for his mercilessness es back, which makes Tess even more desperate。 After Angel leaves, she kills Alec。 Then she follows Angel and escape with him。 They manage to hide for a while in a wood before she is arrested。 She is hanged later。

  In this story, the dramatis persona Tess is a beautiful, virtuous country girl。 Angel Claire loves Tess, but his love is selfish, he can’t forgive her wife’s mistake, he forsakes her 。Alec D’Urbervilles is an evil person, he makes Tess’s life being a tragedy。

  The ment

  This is a dolorous book。

  This is a story of love。

  Tess, the poor girl as innocent as the sleeping birds in the trees, or the small field animals in the hedges, her life destroyed by her relatives, lover and some other people。 They say they love her, but they like themselves most。 Her parents want her married Alec only because they want her doing some good for the family。 Alec wants to possess her, because she is the most beautiful girl in the village。 He makes her pregnant but can’t give her his love。 Angle is tess’s true love, but his love also not consummate, he can’t forgive tess’s mistake, although he had did wrong with a women。

  Why only the women had to pay? I thought of this problem for a long time。 In the 19th England, women had not status, they live very hard because people’s prejudice。 Tess is the victim under the not fair environment, she lives with force, and even the law thinks the insults are allowable! At the end of the book, Fortune's wheel bereaves the last thing she had—her life。

  How to vindicate the women’s right? Expect change the people’s prejudice women must learn to be adamancy and independent。 We must know how to take care of ourselves。 We must have the ability to feed ourselves, so that we can win the independent of personality and life。 And so that we can have a pure au pair love。

  The word “woman” doesn’t means “puny”!


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