

时间:2023-08-22 14:29:55 文/黄飞老师 导游词学文网www.xuewenya.com

  Dear friends, the destination of our journey today is Buddhist culture garden. Xiao x will first introduce the basic situation of the Buddhist culture garden to you.

  Guizhou Fanjing Mountain Buddhist Culture Park is located at the foot of Fanjing Mountain in the "Wuling peak" ecological Kingdom, just like the Taiping River in a fairyland. The whole scenic spot is located in zhaisha village group of Fanjing Mountain Village, 4 km away from the gate of Fanjing Mountain. The total planning area of the whole project is 1064 mu, with a total investment of 460 million yuan. The main construction contents include temple area, monk hermit residential area, commercial service area, parking lot, Lotus Square, Taiping River wind and rain bridge, pedestrian trail, etc. it is a Buddhist cultural activity center integrating Buddhism worship, business entertainment, leisure, food and housing.

  The construction of Fanjingshan Buddhist culture garden aims at "seeking from the works, seeing from the micro", aiming at the grand Buddhist temple, grand Buddhism and grand landscape.

  Along the direction of little x-finger, you can see that the grand building complex standing on the horizon is Maitreya main road field in Fanjing Mountain, the only grand golden Buddhist temple in the world.

  The Buddhist culture garden has completed the construction of Fengyu bridge, Lotus Square, Buddha steps and the main body, Dajin Buddhist temple, and has been officially opened to the public on August 28, 20xx. The Golden Hall of Dajin Buddhist temple is located at the highest point of the whole garden area. We now cross the Fengyu bridge across the Taiping River and enter the Lotus Square. Please see, the building standing in the center of the square is the lotus fountain pool. Every time there is a grand meeting, holidays, large-scale activities, etc., the fountain will be accompanied by the Buddha music to welcome the distinguished guests.

  Now please follow Xiao X through the first mountain gate. On both sides of the mountain gate are the bell tower and the drum tower. After passing the mountain gate, we can see the heavenly king hall, in which the four heavenly kings and Bodhisattva Weituo are worshipped; In front of the Tianwang hall is the Mahatma hall, where the Buddha Sakyamuni is worshipped. In the square in front of the hall, four temples are built, which respectively honor the images of Bodhisattvas in the four famous Buddhist mountains of China: Manjusri Bodhisattva of Wutai Mountain, Guanyin Bodhisattva of Putuo Mountain, Puxian Bodhisattva of Emei mountain, and dizang Bodhisattva of Jiuhua Mountain, which represent the four Bodhisattvas of Mahayana Buddhism They represent wisdom, compassion, practice and willpower.

  On the square in front of Da Xiong Bao hall, the seven treasures lotus flower pool is built with eight merits water and seven treasures glaze, which symbolizes the seven steps of Buddha Sakyamuni's birth. After crossing the main hall, the mountain rises abruptly. We need to climb 168 stone steps on foot, cross three stone archways (meaning the gate of the past, the present and the future), and finally reach the Golden Hall (Maitreya pure land, the world of Maitreya Buddha). Symbolizing Buddhist practice requires a long and arduous journey to achieve positive results. The golden hall, located in the lotus Pavilion on the mountain, is unique in the world. The most famous statue of Maitreya in the world is dedicated here.

  Jindian, Jinwa and Jinzhu are surrounded by water, backed by mountains and facing the Taiping River. They are located on the three-story white jade carved xumizuo, surrounded by water lotus pool. It is the only water Jindian in the world. It is magnificent and sacred. Jinyu Maitreya, the most famous in the world, is dedicated here.

  Jinyu Maitreya is a statue of Tianguan Maitreya, with a height of 5 meters. It consumes more than 200 kilograms of gold and countless precious jewels, diamonds and emeralds. It is the world's largest Maitreya Golden Buddha made by a group of Chinese arts and crafts masters from the capital using Chinese court craftsmanship. The statue is composed of four parts: Buddha light, gold body, wood Xumi base and white jade lotus stand. The golden body and jade seat are in line with the rituals of "Jin Tai He man" and "Xian Mi Yuan Rong". On August 28, 20xx, the Buddhist culture garden held a large-scale Kaiguang Dharma meeting at home and abroad. The statue of Jinyu Maitreya has been consecrated in the Golden Hall of the great golden Buddha Temple in Fanjing Mountain. Since then, the magnificent landscape of "Jinding, Jindian, Jinfo" has been formed in Fanjing Mountain.

  The golden and jade Maitreya statues provide a wide range of blessings for all living beings, revitalize the ancient Buddhist temple of Fanjing Mountain, and make Fanjing Mountain, the "No.1 mountain in Guizhou", shine again.


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