

时间:2023-08-19 13:07:34 文/莉落老师 导游词学文网www.xuewenya.com

  Hello and welcome to Jiuzhaigou for sightseeing. From now on, we're going to start our trip to Jiuzhaigou. I am your tour guide, surnamed Li, in the future we just call me Xiao Li.

  Now, let me give you a brief introduction to Jiuzhaigou. Jiuzhaigou is located in Sichuan province of China. It is named after nine Tibetan villages in the gully. Jiuzhaigou has charming scenery all the year round. In the original ecological environment, clean fresh air and snow capped mountains, forests, lakes into wonderful, fantastic, beautiful natural scenery, show “ natural beauty, natural beauty, known as ” “ &rdquo “ fairy tale; fairyland ”. Now let's go into Jiuzhaigou to enjoy its beautiful scenery.

  First, we came to the bonsai beach, crystal clear water here, all kinds of high and low shrubs in the water, forming a natural picture.

  Now, the place where we stand is the famous waterfall in Jiuzhaigou. Here, the river course is vertical and horizontal, and the water flows down a river valley with a stepped shape, forming countless waterfalls. Some small trickling water; some rapids down; if some wave jade belt like some rush down the Milky Way. The width or length of more than the Huangguoshu Waterall in Guizhou is six, of which NuoRiLang falls, the width of 100 meters, 60 meters higher than the water, air, honeysuckle splash, rumble.

  There are a lot of lakes in the village. There are 114 large and small ones. The local people call it &ldquo, and the sea ”. Tourist friends, Jiuzhaigou, there is a magical legend that is the legend of rhinoceros sea. Legend has it that an old Lama of Tibet was seriously ill, riding a rhinoceros and dying here. I do not know why he drank the water here. The disease is miraculously good. After that, the old Lama drank the water here every day. At last, he went into the water with the rhinoceros. From here, it was called rhino sea.

  It's getting late, and the tourists, the trip to Jiuzhaigou, are over. In the end of this happy trip, please remember that the beautiful scenery, although nature has given to mankind, can not be separated from the protection acquired by mankind, so we must take good care of the environment.


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