

时间:2023-08-19 16:31:55 文/黄飞老师 导游词学文网www.xuewenya.com




  Everybody is good! my name is lu, I'm go to the guide of qin Terra Cotta Warriors. I'm very honored to serve you, hope we have a nice day today.

  Now we're going to set off to the world-famous qin Terra Cotta Warriors.

  You see, this great historical sites show in front of our eyes! Our xi 'an lintong has three qin Terra Cotta Warriors pit, a total of 3 20000 square meters, nearly 50 basketball courts, a pit of the Terra Cotta Warriors to nearly eight thousand. In three pits at the pit is the largest, 230 meters long, north and south 62 meters wide, with a total area of 14260 square meters; The pit of the Terra Cotta Warriors, of course, also the most, there are more than six thousand! Above the no. 1 pit has a huge vaulted hall. Into the hall, standing on high bird's eye view, will see the Terra Cotta Warriors pit, line by line, the process is very neat, formed a huge army of rectangle like qin shihuang had command of an army of fighting, invincible.

  You look, the general burly, wearing a brown, wearing armor, sword in hand, with pride. Know it's the look on his poses battle-hardened, accountable.

  The average height of the warriors, 1. 8 meters, trim. They dressed in a shirt to wear armor, feet front end up the cock combat boots, and armed with weapons, ready to go.

  Look, the horse figurines in short armour, on foot mouth was wearing tight pants, boots right hand holding the REINS, left hand with bows and arrows, as if ready to mount a horse to kill.

  Now we use one hour to watch slowly. Please take good care of cultural relics, don't litter. Thank you for your cooperation.

  Well, today was the end of run. Welcome to have the opportunity to visit again later.


  Everybody is good! I am your tour guide, guide. Today by I lead you to visit xi 'an lintong unearthed qin Terra Cotta Warriors.

  Qin Terra Cotta Warriors, is on the sculpture of ancient and modern, Chinese and foreign is unique, it perfectly simulate the ranks, the vivid emersion qin soldier millions, thousand chariots magnificent momentum.

  Has now been unearthed three pits, each pit has the Terra Cotta Warriors, a total of more than eight thousand. Up to the no. 1 pit, the Terra Cotta Warriors nearly more than six thousand.

  Now on the no. 1 pit has built up a huge vaulted hall. Please look forward, this is what I call the vaulted hall. Everyone please follow me to the hall. Please look down, these terracotta warriors line by line, the process is very neat, formed a huge rectangular ranks.

  We now see the Terra Cotta Warriors seem to be "the same", but, if look carefully, you will find they look different. Let me introduce several kinds of the Terra Cotta Warriors:

  This is general, his burly, wearing armor, sword in hand, chin, a see be battle-hardened; This is the terracotta warriors, their height is 1.8 meters, well-built, armed with weapons, ready to go; Cavalry is cavalry figures aside, the warriors wear short armour on commission, was wearing tight pants, right hand holding the REINS, left hand with bows and arrows, as if ready to mount a horse to kill.

  Below, your own play, I offer some requirements: 1. You don't scribble on the Terra Cotta Warriors. 2. Debris-brick don't litter. 3. The kids don't ride on the TaoMa.

  Wish everyone have a happy travel!


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