

时间:2023-08-27 04:26:19 文/孙小飞老师 承诺书学文网www.xuewenya.com


  加强教师职业道德建设,是建设适应素质教育的高质量教师队伍的客观要求。我,作为大王庙小学的教师,郑重承诺:严格遵守《中小学教师职业道德规范》、《辽宁省中小学教师职业行为规范》和《绥中县教师职业道德“八不准” 》等各级各类关于教师职业道德、教育行风建设的相关规定和要求,时刻严格要求自己,努力完善自己的教师职业道德,塑造良好的教师形象,学高为师,身正为范,努力使自己成为一名优秀的人民教师,现承诺如下:

























  Strengthening the construction of teachers' professional ethics is an objective requirement of building a high-quality teachers' team to adapt to the quality of education. Primary school teachers, I, as a king, the king temple solemnly promises: strictly abide by the "primary and secondary school teachers' professional ethics", "liaoning province primary and secondary school teachers' professional code of conduct" and "suizhong county" BaBuZhun "of teacher career ethics" and so on about teachers' professional ethics, education at various levels and the enhancement of the construction of the relevant provisions and requirements, always strict with myself, efforts to perfect his teachers' professional ethics, shaping a good image of teachers, learn Gao Weishi, body is for fan, trying to make myself to be a good people's teacher, now the promise as follows:

  1. Conscientiously implement the party's line, guidelines and policies, love the party, love the socialist motherland, adhere to the four cardinal principles, and have certain political qualities.

  2. Fully implement the education policy of the country, correct the idea of education, and earnestly observe the code of ethics for teachers. Teaching and educating people; Devotion to duty, devotion to duty, strong sense of responsibility and responsibility, conscientiously perform the duties of teachers.

  3, conscientiously implement the China education reform and development compendium, the education law, the compulsory education law, "teacher" and other relevant laws and regulations, and insist on administering education according to Ephraim, abide by the rules and regulations made by the education administrative departments at all levels, corporal punishment or corporal punishment in disguised forms students phenomenon.

  4. Be in the right place, always pay attention to your moral quality. Do an honest person, work conscientiously, not fraud, sets up the fine style of study, hard business, keep on learning new knowledge, to explore the education teaching rule, improve education teaching method, raise the level of education teaching and scientific research, improve the level of their political and professional qualities.

  5, care for each student, trust, close, understand students, respect students' personality, students don't irony, sarcasm, not with words and deeds insult students, students shall make stand as punishment, punishment, and corporal punishment, corporal punishment in disguised forms students activities such as driving, hurt the behavior of the students' physical and mental health, no activity.

  6. He is equally important and insists on facing every student and every aspect of his students. He respects students and is willing to contribute.

  7, who, without being late, leave early, absenteeism, working hours are not do business, no entertainment, no drinking, no mobile phones into the classroom, unites comrade, modest and prudent, to correctly handle the collective and individual, family and work and other aspects of the relationship, obey the leadership and organization distribution.

  8, style decent, do not participate in superstition, no clothes, no makeup, do not wear jewelry, decent, generous, respect for parents, in the public and students to establish a good image of the people's teacher.

  9. Care for the school, maintain the school collective honor everywhere, everything for the school, care for the public goods, and care for the school.

  I love my job and devote all my efforts to my students. Love the education career, love the school, fulfill the duty, teach the people, pay attention to the cultivation of the students have good ideological and moral character.

  The construction of division is a necessary and important work, and I am willing to take every step to make it worthy of the honorable title of "people's teacher".



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