

时间:2023-08-20 19:36:19 文/张东东老师 承诺书学文网www.xuewenya.com



  Appendix 2:Commitment Letter of Investment Company by Foreign Investor


  Statement of Undertaking /承诺书

  致 广州市天河彩虹纸杯厂 公司:

  To the Company:

  我公司与 贵公司因 物料制作 事项合作,签订广州MO营运处2010年日常管理表单制作合同(以下简称“主合同”),合同编号: 。为杜绝商业贿赂行为,我公司郑重做出如下承诺:

  Whereas, by virtue of particular contractual relationship with T company (hereinafter Hereinafter, to prevent from commercial bribery misconducts, statements are undertaken as follows:

  I、 不行贿、不受贿 No bribes


  Among the business process (including but not limited to the negotiation, tender, bid, contract sign-off and performance,… etc.), it is undertaken as follows:

  a) 决不向 贵公司的任何工作人员或其亲属、朋友或其他有特定关系的人员直接或间接行贿(包括但


  We shall , by no means, directly and/or indirectly pursue to approach any of T

  company‘s staff and/or relatives, friends or any other third party into any specific

  bribery (including but not limited to gifts of cash, goods, or in any other shape of advantage or benefits, etc. ).

  b) 决不收受、索取来自 贵公司的工作人员及其亲属、朋友或其他有特定关系的人员的贿赂(包括但


  We shall , by no means, directly and/or indirectly pursue to accept from any of T

  company‘s staff and/or relatives, friends or any other third party into any specific

  bribery (including but not limited to gifts of cash, goods, or in any other shape of advantage or benefits, etc. ).

  II、 如实呈报 Notification in Truth

  若 贵公司的工作人员或其亲属、朋友或其他有特定关系的人员向我公司或我公司工作人员索取贿赂或行贿的,我公司承诺立即如实向 贵公司稽核长办公室举报。

  We shall , be subject to notification in truth to the Chief Auditor Office of T company in the event that any action of soliciting or attempt of solicit bribes or bribery from any of T company’s staff and/or relatives, friends or any other third party.


  Shall there be in any in violation with the above statements, it is undertaken as follows:

  I、 同意 贵公司解除贵我双方的主合同,由此造成的损失概由我公司完全承担及赔偿,同时我公司承诺按

  主合同标的总金额的50%向 贵公司支付违约金;

  Without any dissent, T company shall assume the right to void the main contract, and claim for all the attributing damage and loss. Notwithstanding the foregoing, be subject to the liquidated damage equivalent to 50% within the main contract amounts to T company;

  II、 承担由此产生的`全部民事、行政、刑事法律责任。

  Be subject to full responsibility for the civil, administrative, and criminal liabilities as governed.

  本承诺书为 贵我双方签订之主合同的附件,与主合同具有同等法律效力。

  The Statement is regarded as the annex to the main contract, and, without any prejudice, to be as effective as the main contract prevails.

  承诺人签字盖章Undertaker (signature seal): 日期Date (yy/mm/dd):



  Safety Commitment












  MCC5 for Baosteel Stainless Steel Branch:Project Management Department:

  As site workers, you should comply with the safety commitment to all site activities as follows:

  1. Strictly observe safety-related laws and regulations set down by the government.

  2. Completely implement corporate rules and regulations related to safety constructions.

  3. Entirely implement safety construction procedures of each specific work.

  4.Achieve a three-sentence personnel safety target i.e. “never hurt yourself”, “never hurt others” and “never get hurt”.

  5. Be actively engaged in the safety education and receive related safety supervision.

  6. Reiterate self-care concept during the work and in the construction, and try to remind, help and supervise each other.

  7. Any loophole found during the work should be timely rectified or reported to responsible personnel or department.

  8. Would accept the investigation from and provide cooperation to responsible department in case of breaching safety rules and regulations.

  9. Strictly Observe traffic law and larceny law, otherwise the consequences should be borne in case of violation of the laws.

  安全承诺人(Safety Guarantor):

  年(Y) 月(M) 日(D)


  SV Safety Education Record

  安(Safety) 3—2—3

  教育类别:进现场前教育(Education Type:Education before entry into site) 教育日期(Date): 年(Y) 月(M) 日(D)


  Quality Guarantee

  Thank you for choosing to buy our products!

  To ensure products quality, the clear responsibility of buyer and seller, and the product safety, we make the following promise:

  First, by principle the products are manufactured by the customer’s technical spec. The national standard is followed if customer doesn’t clearly mention it. After the customer commits the product sample, we formally offer products, ensure the steady and gradually increasing quality.

  Second, the supplier provides the copy of business license with official seal stamped to the buyer.

  Third, the supplier provides the copy of the technical spec of the products with official seal stamped to the buyer.

  Fourth, the supplier ensures that the products comply with the official quality standard and is responsible for product quality, if necessary provide the necessary quality information, such as the inspection report and other relevant information.

  Fifth, the supplier ensures that the packaging and registered trademark of the products match the relevant state regulation.

  Sixth, the storage and safekeeping condition is indicated on the product package, to ensure the product quality the buyer has to strictly follow it, or is responsible for the caused quality problem.

  Seventh, consumer complains due to the product quality problems, the supplier should actively cooperate to properly resolve it. If it is indeed the responsibility of supplier, the supplier shall bear full responsibility and expense.

  Eighth, the treatment of the quality dispute:

  The buyer should strictly observe the technical standards shipped with the supplier products for inspection, ensure fair and science testing. The remaining samples fail to pass the examination should be kept for one week.

  If it is indeed the quality problem of the supplier products, our company bears the loss caused by the using of the products.

  In case of the indeed quality problem of the supplier products, the buyer and seller negotiate to deal with the unused products.

  Ninth, the product guarantee since both sides sign a supply contract and delivery occurs, terminates at the same time as the business ends.


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